Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 95   Enlarge and print image (46K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 95   Enlarge and print image (46K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
TRIAL OF JOHN SS'. WEBSTER. :)7 to be so, hereafter, by the Government's proof. On the back of the note, indorsed in pencil, (in what was admitted to be Dr. Parkman's hand- writing,) was the memorandum]- 7, Nov. 3d, $17.56, as by rec't. [Also in ink, and in Dr. Parkman's handwriting, the further mem- oranda:] 1848, Apl. 18th. Reed a hundred and eighty-seven dollars 50-100, by Chas. Cunningham, and gave rec't. G. P. Nov. 11th. A hundred and eighty-seven dolls. 50-100, by C. C., and gave rec't. [The account was next put into the case. It was on a half-sheet of letter-paper, and appeared to have been originally folded in the shape of a letter, with the superscription on the back, (in what was admitted to be, Mr. Charles Cunningham's hand-writing,)-"Professor J. W. Webster, Cambridge, Mass." The body of the account was also admitted to be in Mr. Cunningham's hand-writing, but in regard to the mem- orandum at the bottom, beginning, "$al due," &c., in pencil, the pris- oner's counsel declining to make any admission, it was stated by Mr. Bemis, that the hand-writing would '!5e proved to be -the prisoner's. The account is as follows:)- Mem.-The amount of the note given, was $2,432 00 To cover the following sums loaned . $1,600 00 Due Dr. P., which agrees with your acc't . _ 348 83 " Mrs. Prescott 200 00 " A. & C. C 234 00 And for am't of bills which exceed the $1,600, but allowed by several individuals on settlement 49 62- 2,432 45 Consequently, the $348 83, is included in both your notes; and Dr. P. took his security in the note for $2,432, and mort- gages for that sum, because he did nat: consider the security he had, sufficient for the $348 83, and declines surrender- ing the note, until his debt is paid; he says, however, you hold a document from him, dated Jan. 22d, 1847, stating, that the amount of $2,432 covers both debts to him.-The note for $2,432 is in his favor, and is held by him. Your debt to him appears to be the old balance of $348 83 Loaned you of the $1,600 $500 00 Deduct paid him 375 00 125 00 $473 83 He says you paid him, Nov. 30; '47, and have a receipt for, without interest 17 56 $456 27 Of the loan of $1,600, Feb., 1847, you owed Dr. P. as above . $125 00 Mr. Prescott advanced .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500 00 Paid him., 187 50 312 50 Mrs. P. advanced 200 00 Paid her 75 00 125 00 Mr. Nye advanced 200 00 Paid him , 150 00 50 00