Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 94   Enlarge and print image (46K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 94   Enlarge and print image (46K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
96 TRIAL OF JOHN W. WEBSTER. $400. Boston, June 22d, 1842. For value received, I promise to pay George Parkman, or order, the sum of four hundred dollars in fifteen months from this date, with interest, to be paid at the rate of six per centum per annum. J. W. WEBSTER. [On the bottom of the note, in pencil-marks, admitted to be the hand- writing of Dr. Parkman, was the memorandum:] This is to be given up, on pay't of W.'s note, of Jan'y 22d, '47. [And on the back of the note were two indorsements, in ink, also admitted to be by Dr. .Parkman, of-] 1845, July 10th. In't is act'd to date, by rec't, and seven dolls. of principal, leaving due $393. Oct. 10. Seventy-five dolls. [In another place, on the back of the same note, was an indorsement in pencil, which, Mr. Bemis stated, would be shown to be in the defend- ant's handwriting, as follows:] $483.64, bal. p'd. Nov. 22, '49. [Across the face of the note were two heavy transverse dashes, each about two inches and a half long, and from an eighth, to a quarter of an inch, in breadth. One of these terminated in a collection of hair, or fibrous marks, as if made by an instrument capable of making a number of such marks, simultaneously. There was also a single heavy transverse dash across the signature, "J. W. Webster." It was stated, that it would be hereafter proved, that these dashes, and similar ones on the other note, were not made by a pen, as had been represented by the prisoner.] [The second note was, as follows:] Boston, Jan'y 22d, 1847. Value reed, I promise to pay to Geo. Paxk- f" ..,n, or order, twenty-four hundred and thirty-two dollars, within four years from date, with interest yearly: a quarter of said capital sum being to be paid yearly. J. W. WEBSTER. $2432. Witness, Chas. Cunningham. [Underneath the body of the note, (and on its face,) were two memoranda, both admitted to be in Dr. Parkman's handwriting. The first, in pencil, as follows:] ! 500 of the above, is G. P.'s. + 332=832. Bal. due Mr. Chas. C. [The second memorandum, (in ink,) with the exception of the words and figures after "cancelled," was as follows:] On pay't to G. Parkman, of eight hundred and thirty-two dollars of this note, and in't, Dr. W.'s other mortgage & note to G. P., of June 22d, 1842, is to be cancelled. (Copy W. has, 831 831/2, corrected.) [Across the face of this note, were two heavy dashes, similar to those upon the face of the other note, though still wider. The signature was also dashed out, with a similar heavy dash. The word "paid" was also written twice, travers,ely, across the face of the note, in ink. The counsel for the defence declining to admit that these latter words were in the prisoner's hand-writing, it was stated, that they would be shown