Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 60   Enlarge and print image (40K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 60   Enlarge and print image (40K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
60 TitlAL OF JOHN W. WEBSTER. No. 8. Left Malar Bone.- Edge of the Orbit, Edge of temporal fossa. Maxillary suture. No. 9. Left Upper Jaw.- Antrum, Suture, fitting that of No. 8. Ridge. No. 1.0. One of the Condyles of the Lower Jaw. No. 11. Four fragments of the Lcwer Jaw.- No. 3. a. Coronoid process, Coroner's b. Alveolar portion which succeeds to (a),-with dental list. canal. c. Portion succeeding to (b), with alveolus and dental canal, d, Symphysis, (Chin). (The two latter pieces were found subsequent to inquest.) No. 72. Atlas (No. 10 Coroner's list.)- Upper and lower articulations, and Arch of left side, Tubercle for transverse ligament. (A piece of tarsal bone, right cuboid, adheres.-See No. 25.) No. 13. Body of a Cervical Vertebra. (Under surface projecting from the slag.) (No. 11, Ccroner's list.) No. 14. Fragment of a Humerus. (?) (Somewhat doubtful.-No. 4. Coroner's list.) NT o. 15. Tip of Olecranon process of an Ulna. (No. 5. Coroner's list.) No. 16. Fragment of a Radius, or of an Ulna. (?) No. 17. Scaphoides of the left side. No. 17a. Trapezoides. (Side, right or left, doubtful.) (This was found on the 24econd Search.) No. 18. Second phalanx of a finger. (Side ?.) (Found on Second Search.) No. 19. Terminal phalanx of a finger. (Side ?.) (No. 6, of Coroner's list.) No. 20. Fragment of a Radius. (Right, or left, doubtful.) No. 21. Fragments of the Right Tibia.- Tuberosity, with "spine" on its right, Canal for the nutritious artery, and adjacent ridge, Spine:-articulation with fibula, Lower articulating surface. (No. 7, Coroner's list.) No. 22. Fibula, central portion. No. 23. Right Os-Calcis,-nearly entire. (No. 9. Coroner's list.) No. '24. Right, Astragalus,-nearly entire. (No. 8, Coroner's list.) No. 25. Tarsal Bone,-right cuboid. (This adheres to No. 12.) No. 25a. Tarsal Bones. (?) No. 26. M>tatarsal bone of the great toe.-(Small fragments.) (The ridge of the articulating surface indicates,-the right.) No. 27. Metatarsal Bones:-distal portions. (One of these was found on the Second Search.) No. 28. Sesamoid Bone. No. 29. Terminal phalanx of the little toe.-A part of middle phalanx ad- heres. (Second Search.) No. 30. Middle phalanx of a toe. (No. 12, Coroner's list.) No. 31. Phalanx of a toe. (Second Search.) (?) No. 22. Fragments of fingers and toes. No. 33. Fragments of Cylindrical bones. No. 34. Fragments of bones of face. (?) No. 35. Fragments not determined. (No. 13, Coroner's list.) The fol;owing were found on the Second Search:- Nos. 7a. (a few fragments), 17a., 18, 27, 29, and 31. The fragments of bones enumerated in the preceding catalogue, belong to the following regions of the body, viz.: Cranium, (or Head,) Face, Neck, Fore arms, Hands, Right leg, below the knee, Feet,