Doreen Rappaport, The Alger Hiss Trial,
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Doreen Rappaport, The Alger Hiss Trial,
Image No: 93
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Defense Witnesses 795 Witness: Charles Darlington Direct Examination by the Defense Darlington was Hawkins's assistant. He read over almost every paper that came in and out of the division. He identified Exhibit 50 as a memo he had prepared. His initials were on it. The defense continued to try to show how easy it was for someone to steal documents from this division. Q. What did you send Mr. Hawkins? A* The original, and I kept the carbon. Q. Where did you keep the carbon? AŤ It's hard to remember such details after so many years, but I believe it would have been normal for me to keep it on my desk or in one of my drawers for about two weeks, so it would be handy if Mr. Hawkins wanted to discuss it. Then I would have given it to my secretary, and she would have put it in my current file. Q. Were your files locked? AŤ No, very few files were locked. I think Mr. Hawkins had one locked file, but the rest of us didn't. I didn't lock my desk, either. The questions shifted to Wadleigh, whom Darlington had worked with for two years.