Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Gerard Brooke (1768-1821)
MSA SC 3520-15902
Born on August 12, 1768
in Montgomery
County, Maryland. Son of Basil Brooke (ca. 1742- August 22, 1794) and
Elizabeth Brooke (ca. 1741- August 17, 1794). Three Siblings: James
Brooke (b.
May 5, 1766); Deborah
(September 4, 1770 - February 21, 1835); Basil Brooke Jr.
(April 28, 1772 - August 1, 1857). Married Margarett Thomas (June 11,
1769 - March 5, 1797) in 1789. Three Children: Richard Brooke
(1790-1862); John Thomas Brooke (b. 1791); Elizabeth P. Brooke (b. 1794
after 1821). Died in 1821 in Brookeville, Montgomery County, Maryland.
Gerard Brooke was a major landowner
who lived in the town of
in the early part of the nineteenth century. At its height, his
comprised some 2,000 acres in Montgomery County.1 He was
engaged in renting his land to tenants, in addition to making minor
transactions in his community and cultivating cash crops.
Brooke’s grandfather was James Brooke the Elder, who acquired some
33,000 acres of land in Montgomery County.
Gerard Brooke was the one of the
heirs of Basil Brooke, son of James Brooke the Elder. When Gerard's
parents died within a week of one another in
1794, he inherited a smaller, but still large, tract of land taken from
grandfather’s large holdings consisting of about 1,000 acres.2 His
landholdings fluctuated throughout his life as he bought and sold
parcels; however, the bulk of his property remained intact.
Like the
majority of his neighbors and extended family, Brooke
was a Quaker and a member of the Sandy Spring Meeting. In 1789, Brooke
married Margarett Thomas. They had three children together before her
untimely death in 1797 at the age
of 28.3
Her father, Richard
Thomas Sr. lent a substantial amount of
money to the young family, which ultimately was never returned before
Thomas's death
in 1806.4
Margarett's death, Brooke made his full time residence in a house
The majority
of Brooke’s income came from renting
his land to tenant farmers. He achieved moderate wealth by these means.
In 1805, for
example, Brooke had seven tenants on his land. Their combined total
rent for
the year earned Brooke a tidy sum of $660. This would have
been a substantial amount of money at the time: by contrast, a
carpenter in Brooke’s
employ was making less than $350 a year. The bulk of Brooke's capital
came from
the proceeds of cultivating crops such as tobacco, rye, and corn.
However, his
tenants would also sometimes do work for or sell goods to other local
Brookeville residents such as Richard
Thomas Jr. and Caleb
Bentley. In these cases, the
employer or buyer would pay Brooke the rent, in lieu of paying
the worker directly for his labor or product. It is important to note
Brooke did not always receive cash as payment; often he would accept
instead. For example, in 1804, he sold three bushels of potatoes and
two hundred weight of
straw to Charles B. Hutton who repaid Brooke by “ploughing [sic] a lot
ground, hauling a load of hay to Brookeville, [and hauling a] load of
wood for
[Brooke’s] sister.”6
It appears
that Brooke had a good deal
of involvement in the professional lives of his tenants. Tenants were
usually expected to do a certain amount of
upkeep on the lands they were renting such as repairing barns and
Brooke would also arrange for internal improvements on his land such as
for barn construction on the parcels that he was leasing. In some
instances, he
was very specific with which crops he wanted grown and where. Brooke
was wary
of tobacco as a crop due to its high level of soil depletion and
carefully regulated its cultivation on his lands.7
collecting rent, Brooke sold his own crops and livestock. He
sold these
products to his neighbors and relatives, and at markets in
Georgetown and Baltimore. These included cattle, sheep, horses, corn,
rye, hay, and cider. In addition to selling his crops and
livestock, Brooke also
supplemented his income by selling homespun manufactures such as farm
tools, textiles, paper, soap, baskets, and shoes. In some instances, it
appears that Brooke purchased crops from
his tenants and then sold these items elsewhere for a profit.8
the land that he did not lease to tenants, Brooke utilized a variety of
labor sources to cultivate crops and raise livestock. At least one
indentured servant, William Jones, was
contracted to serve Brooke. Upon his release in 1808, Jones was
compensated a
sizable sum of $53, plus another $16 in
exchange for
furnishing his own clothing during the previous year. In 1810, eight
free persons were living in the Brooke household,
servants or laborers of some kind.9
Brooke was
also a slaveholder. In 1790
he owned at least five slaves.10
Official government records
such as census and tax assessments fail to record slave ownership after
1790, yet
there is clear evidence in Brooke’s personal accounts that there were
slaves in
his possession into the nineteenth century. In 1806, he inherited one
slave from his father-in-law, Richard Thomas Sr., and took on joint
custody of
another two from the same inheritance.11
In that same year, he makes
note of “a negroe
[sic] boy Joshua who I have purchased for 100 dollars.”12
Interestingly, this
slave was sold by Sarah Thomas, his wife’s niece, and sister-in-law of
Caleb Bentley. In May of 1814, Brooke rented a slave named Nace to a
neighbor, William
H. Dorsey,
for a period of two years under the
condition that Dorsey was responsible for providing him clothes.
Furthermore, many of Brooke's wealthier tenants were slaveholders
themselves. Even though he was a slave owner, Brooke was a devout
Quaker. When the Society of Friends officially denounced slavery in the
1770s, Brooke, like many of his neighbors in Brookeville, responded by
freeing his slaves. In 1794, Brooke manumitted six slaves, and in 1815
he manumitted another.13
Still, the fact that Brooke and other prominent Quakers owned slaves so
late into the nineteenth century is
curious since slave-ownership ran counter to official Quaker doctrine
by the 1770s. The Sandy
Meeting minutes confirm that these condemnations were echoed on
a local
level. Yet regardless of what was said, in practice, the pillars of
society were either implicated in slave ownership, profiting from it,
or were
closely related to someone who was. Gerard Brooke's accounts help to
substantiate this picture of labor in Brookeville.
the many land transactions that Brooke engaged in throughout his life,
one in particular was unique. In 1812, Brooke sold a parcel of
approximately thirty three acres of land to two free African American
men, Caesar
Williams, and his nephew George
Williams. The
total cost of the land ($750) was considerable,
especially for two men who occupied a marginalized class in society.
George and Ceaser continued to make payments for
this land until Brooke's death in 1821 and even then never fully paid
off the debt.14
Curiously, this sale was never
officially recorded in any deed filed with the county land office.
Therefore, the
Williams's legal ownership could have been drawn into question
by Brooke's heirs after their father's death. Why Brooke, who was very
well acquainted with the legal procedure for land sales, would have
conducted such a murky agreement is a mystery.
Brooke also
acted as a trustee, administering the 650
acres of land belonging to his sister, Deborah
Pleasants. In 1801, he purchased a
house in Brookeville
for her exclusive use and subsidized her living expenses. She lived in
this house until 1815, when Brooke relinquished
trusteeship of her estate to her other relations and sold the house.15
Brooke was a founding member of the Columbian Agricultural
an early institution for the improvement of agricultural techniques and
sciences based out of Georgetown.
During the period of his membership, the society was responsible for
publishing the first ever agricultural journal in the U.S. called, “Agricultural
In 1810, he was also chosen as one of several judges for the society’s
ever convention, where he was jointly responsible for selecting winners
in the
domestic manufactures competition.16
This convention was purportedly attended by President James Madison.
Tragedy and personal hardship were not unknown to the Brooke family.
Gerard and Margarett's
second son, John Thomas Brooke suffered from mental illness
and was a
continual emotional and financial burden for his family. By January
1816, John had cost his
father an incredible $7,000 in various living expenses and doctors'
fees. By the time John had
turned 28, his health had deteriorated so much that his family could no
longer take care of him. In 1819, Gerard and his brother Basil
brought John to the recently opened Friend's Asylum in Philadelphia to
live out the rest of his life.
A cousin, Deborah Briggs, relayed the incident in a letter to her
father Isaac
Briggs shortly after: "Poor
John Brooke is thought a confirmed maniac...[Gerard]
appeared very anxious...[and] was
heard to say the Hospital was the
proper place
for him. His family have
been in much affliction on his account and until they found they could
longer keep him without endangering their own lives would not consent
to let
him go. He became outrageous & they lost their influence over
Gerard Brooke’s wealth was stable throughout his life, but
grew to outstanding proportions. In his old age, it appears that
personal property and monetary assets diminished as he gradually
transferred his estate to his son, Richard Brooke. When he died in
1821, his personal property was comparatively little for his social
Jackson Gilman-Forlini, DAR
Research Fellow, 2012.
(Assessment Record) 1813-1830, Gerard Brooke
Real Property, 1813 Assessment Districts 1 and 4, MdHR
20,115-3-1 [MSA C1110-3, 01/18/14/019]; Intimate
knowledge of Brooke’s finances can be gleaned from
his extant account book dating from the years 1802 until his death in
This important record provides detailed insight into daily business
transactions, loans, debts, and sales, with his relatives, neighbors
1793-1797, Gerard Brooke Real Property, 1795 Assessment District 4, MdHR
20,115-1-1 [MSA
C1110-1, 01/18/14/017].
- Monthly Meeting at the
Clifts Collection, marriage certificates from Sandy Spring, West River,
and Indian Springs meetings, marriage certificate, Gerard Brooke and
Margarett Thomas, April 22, 1789, pp. 195-196 [MSA SC 2978, SCM
639-1]; Sandy
Spring Meeting records, Register of Births and Deaths: Deaths pp. 1-2
[MSA SC 2978, SCM 667-3, 638-1].
REGISTER OF WILLS (Estate Record) March 12, 1807, “A list of Debts due
the Estate of Richard Thomas late of
Montgomery County Deceased,” pp . 82-84, MdHR 12,392 [MSA
C1138-8, 01/17/08/007].
- MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT (Land Records) November 22, 1803,
Liber L, p. 161, Gerard Brooke to Joseph Elgar, lots 12
& 13 in Brookeville [MSA CE 148-12]; January 15. 1805, Liber M,
p. 67, Joseph Elgar to Caleb Pancoast, lots 10-13 in
Brookeville [MSA CE 148-13]; January 26, 1806, Liber M,
p. 481, Caleb Pancoast to Gerard Brooke, lots 10-13 in
Brookeville [MSA CE 148-13].
COLLECTIONS (Mary Farquhar Green Collection) Account book of Gerard
Brooke, 1803 transaction with Charles B Hutton [MSA SC 566-1-98,
- Ibid., These
conclusions can be reached by examining the account book as a whole.
Brooke makes personal comments and notes on several of the transactions
throughout the account book.
- Ibid., These
sorts of transactions take place several times according to multiple
entries in the account book.
- Third Census
of the United States, 1810, Population Schedule,
Montgomery County, Maryland,
Roll: 14 p. 974.
- First Census
of the United States, 1790, Population Schedule,
Montgomery County, Maryland, Roll: 3;
p. 42.
REGISTER OF WILLS (Estate Record) 1811-1814 (no date given),
“A Division of
Negroes above the age of 45 years belonging to the Estate of the late
Thomas of Montgomery
deceased made by
th [sic] appraisement,” Liber H, pp. 245-246,
MdHR 12,394 [MSA C1138-10, 01/17/08/009].
- SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Mary Farquhar Green Collection)
Account book of Gerard Brooke,
1806 transaction with Sarah Thomas [MSA SC 566-1-98,
COUNTY COURT (Land Records) 9 December 1794, Liber F-6, p. 89.
Manumission, Gerard Brooke to Negro Young and others [MSA CE 148-6];
MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT (Land Records) 17 July 1815, Liber S-19, p.
265. Manumission, Gerard Brooke to Negro Nace [MSA CE 148-19].
- SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Mary Farquhar Green Collection)
Account book of Gerard Brooke,
1812 transaction with Ceaser and George Williams [MSA
SC 566-1-98, 00/09/06/06].
- Ibid., transactions
pertaining to Deborah Pleasants cease in 1815.
- "Columbian Agricultural Society," Independent American, May
26, 1810, pg. 3, Georgetown,
District of Columbia.
- Isaac
Briggs, et. al. Briggs-Stabler Papers, 1793-1910. Maryland Historical
Society collection no. MS 147, Box 2, 1819 folder, letter from Deborah
Briggs to Isaac Briggs.
December 24, 1821, "Inventory of the personal property belonging to
Gerard Brooke, desc." Liber N, p. 161, MdHR 12,399 [MSA
C1138-15, 01/17/08/014].
to Gerard Brooke's Introductory Page
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