H.B. 346
The [Board is authorized to] COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAY appoint a Director
. of Recreation and Parks [, who] . THE DIRECTOR shall be the Chief Executive Officer of
the Board but not a member [thereof and shall, under the direction and with the
approval] of the Board [,] . WITH THE ADVICE OF THE BOARD, THE DIRECTOR
SHALL be charged with the general organization, administration and supervision of the
programs of public recreation contemplated and provided for by this chapter. The
[Director's term of office shall be for one (1) year, but he shall be subject to
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. [He] THE DIRECTOR shall [be a person of] HAVE such
training, experience and capacity as will especially qualify [him] THE DIRECTOR to
discharge the duties of the office [. He shall possess] AND those qualifications of
education, training and experience which will assure a thorough knowledge of current
theory and practice in public recreation [and] . THE DIRECTOR SHALL give promise of
the administrative ability to initiate and maintain a program within the jurisdiction and
under the direction of the Board.
The [Board] COUNTY may, within the limits of funds appropriated [to it for this
purpose] by the County Commissioners [of Dorchester County], employ such personnel,
in addition to the Director of Recreation and Parks, as the Board [may consider]
RECOMMENDS AS necessary to administer its functions properly. The Director and all
other personnel of the Board shall be employees of Dorchester County. Their salaries
shall [, subject to the approval of] BE SET BY the County Commissioners [of Dorchester
County, be fixed by the Board]. The [Board is also authorized to] COUNTY ALSO MAY
employ personnel on a part-time or temporary basis and may [, in its discretion at any
time,] discharge any person employed by it [, including the Director]. The engagement
of voluntary workers without compensation may also be undertaken by the [Board]
COUNTY upon the recommendation of the Director.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
October 1, 1995.
May 24, 1995
The Honorable Casper R. Taylor, Jr.
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis MD 21401
Dear Mr. Speaker:
In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the Maryland Constitution, I have today
vetoed House Bill 346.
This bill changes the title of the Dorchester County Clerk to the County Commissioners
to County Administrator.
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