Volume 748, Page 649 View pdf image |
649) Depositions of John Stevenses Land in Dorchester Co.ty The Deposition of John Lunn Aged Fifty Nine Yeares or thereabouts Sworn Saith That ab.t six and thirty Yeares or more since he in Company w.th M.r Thomas Taylor then surv.r of Dorchest.r County & Samuell Mellington & others surveyed a Tract of Land for the said Mellington upon Blackwater River by the Name of Mellington Happ Cont.d as he then understood One hundred Acres And this Dep.t further saith That he bounded the first Bounded Tree upon the said Land w.ch he beleives is since perrished & that the same did stand upon a point of Land by the s.d River side where a Red Oake is now Bounded in the p.rsence of severall Evidences and he further saith not Septemb.r 29.th 1709 Jurat Corum nobis Hu Eccleston John Rawlings The Depocon of Samuell Mellington Aged seventy Yeares or thereab.ts Sworn Saith That about thirty six Yeares since he tooke up a peice of Land upon Blackwater River by the Name of Mellingtons happ Containeing One Hundred Acres more or less And this Dep.t further saith That the first bounded Tree of the said Land stood upon a point by the River Side where a red oake is now Bounded in the p.rsence of severall Evidences and he further saith not Septemb.r 29.th 1709 Jurat coram nobis Hu Eccleston John Rawlings Wee the Subscribed do hereby certifye That in Obedience to a Comission to Us directed out of the Court of Chancery of this Province bearing date the 2.d day of Septemb.r 1709 Wee did this day meet upon a parcell of Land called Mellingtons happ adjacent to a percell of Land called Paris and there before Us a certaine John Lunn and Samuell Mellington did upon their Corporall Oate Oathes by us to them administred by force of the s.d Comcon depose as by the above written Depocons is sett forth & Expresed as Wittness our hands & seals the 29.th day of Sep.ber An.o Dom 1709 Hu Eccleston (Seale) John Rawlling (Seale) |
Volume 748, Page 649 View pdf image |
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