Volume 717, Page 410 View pdf image |
393) 410 This Indenture made the six day off January in the twelveth year off the Dominion off Charles absolute Lord and Proprietor off the provinces off Maryland and Avalon Lord Baltimore &c annoq.r Domini one thousand six hundred Eightÿ and six Betweene Robert Brooke off Calvert County in the province off Maryland Gentleman second sonne off Thomas Brooke Late off Calvert Countÿ aforesaid decd now in parts beyon the seas off the one parte and Nicholas Sewall off Calvert Countÿ aforesaid Esq.r off the other part Whereas the said Thomas Brooke was in his Life time seized in his Demeasne as off Fee off and in all that tract or parcell off Land Called Brookes feild Containing by Estimacon two thousand five hundred and thirtÿ acres Lyeing on the south side off petuxant River in Calvert Countÿ aforesaid Begining at a Marked white oake standing on the south south East side off Brooke Creeke formerly Called Mattapanÿ Creeke with a line drawne south south East from the said marked oake for the Lenth off foure hundred and Eightÿ perches to a marked oake with a Lyne drawne North East & by East from the End off the south south East Lyne for the Lenth off one Thousand and fiveteene perches to an oake with a Lyne drawne North from the End off the North East and by East Lyne for the Lenth off three hundred and sixtÿ perches to the Mouth off the said Brooke Creeke being bounded on the East with the said River and on the North ^North^ west with the said Creeke for the Lenth off Eleaven hundred and twentÿ perches to the first bounded tree beeing the Whole tract ^off^ Land formerly Called Mattapanÿ Downe and the said Thomas Brooke being soe thereoff seized Did by his Last Will and Testament in writeing bearing Date the five and twentieth Day off of octob.r in the year off our Lord one thousand six hundred seaventy and six among other things therin Conteyned give and bequeath to his Eldest sonne Thomas Brooke and his heires for Ever all that tract off l part off a tract or parcell off Land Called Brookefeild Where the plantacons then were and soe on till the south west side off the Cart path w.ch did then goe to George Collins and runing downe from the Bridge on the North side off the Runn as the Runn runneth till itt cometh to a path that then Did goe to the River and soe Running as the Path did Runn till it Comes to the River side and soe to the Northward bounds off the tract aforesaid and the Remaining part off the aforesaid Dividend hee did give and bequeath to his second sonne Robert Brooke pty to these psents and his heires for ever as by the said will remaineing upon record in the office for probate off Wills and Granting off adminstracons Within this province maÿ More att Large appeare and Whereas the said Robert Brooke party to these presents in and by his Letter of attornÿ under his hand and seal bearing date the Nine and twentyeth Daÿ off August in the first year of the raigne off our soveraing Lord James the second by the Grace off god off England Scotland France and Ireland king deffender off the faith &c Annoq.r Domini one thousand six hundred Eight & five Constitute and appoint Henry Darnall of Putoxant in Calvert County Esq.r his father in Law his true & Lawefull attornÿ for uses intents and purposes in the same Letter off attorny menconed and sett forth and amongst other things theirein conteyned hee the said Robert Brooke did thereby give to his said attornÿ full power and authoritÿ for him and in his Name to Contract and agree with the Right honorab Charles L.d Baltemore or any other person or persons owners or proprietors there off or otherwise |
Volume 717, Page 410 View pdf image |
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