Volume 717, Page 409 View pdf image |
yearlÿ as aforesaid in the Name off him the said Henry Darnall butt to the uses hereafter mentioned to take & Receive and upon payement off the same or any part therforoff anÿ acquittances or discharge to make & deliver That is to say I the said Robert Brooke Doe hereby authorize and appoint that the sume off thirtÿ pounds sterling P.r annum to be payd for the Land aforesaid shall be paÿd Laÿd out and Expended Bÿ mÿ said attornÿ for & towards the future Maintenance schooling and Education off mÿ said Two Brothers The said Ignatius and Mathew Brooke aforesaid from the time off the ^first^ payement off the said thirtÿ pounds p annum But in case Either off my said Brothers should dye before the full paÿement off the said severall ÿearly payements be finished then the said henrÿ Darnall to be accomptable to me for ^a^ Moity off the said thirty pounds sterling or soe much thereoff as shall Remaine due the maintenance schooling and Education off mÿ Brother soe dyeing being deducted and in case my said two Brothers should both dye before the said ÿearlÿ payements be finished thatt then my said attornÿ to be accountable to me for the whole Thirtÿ pounds sterling p annum or soe much thereoff as shall upon their decease remaine due after their maintenance schooling & education deduted as aforsaid And Wheras I have Receaved from mÿ said father in Lawe an account that there is due to me for my child part off the personnall Estate off Thomas Brooke Late off Calvert Countÿ Gentl deced the sume off twelve thousand pounds off tobacco as alsoe the sume off twenty five pounds off Lawfull monÿ of England I doe hereby desire mÿ said father in Law to keepe the same in his hands untill I have occation to call the same out off his hands and whatt my said father in Lawe shall Lawefullÿ act and doe in the premissess I doe hereby promise to ratifye & Confirme in as full Large and ample manner as iff I myselfe were personall present according to the true intent & meaning off these presents In Testimony whereoff I have heruto sett my hand & seale this twentieth day off Jully in the second year off the Raigne off our soverainge Lord James the second off England Scotland France & Ireland King defender off the faith &c.a annoq.r Dmm 1686 sealed and delivered in the presence off us Robert Brooke sealed Jes soubsignes Nottaires Royaux residence delarrille & Cite de S.t Omer artois Certiffient a tous quil appartiendra que par denant Enlx Est Comparu Enperforme Robert Brooke De presant En Citte ^de^ Ville natif de Calvert Countÿ dans La province de Maryland Lequel at adnour Lescript ey dessus En Lange Engliose & Le signe de son saing Mannuel En presance due Charles Gage & tousant vandencruys tesmoings ace requis & appelles anssy soubsignes anecq Led.t Robert Brooke Le stingt de Juillet 1686 Robert Brooke Charles Gage Toussaint Vanderr Cruÿs J Van de chout N Laurent Nous maÿeiw et Escheuins De la Ville & Cite de saint omer salut savour faisons & Certiffions atous presans & a venir que M.r Nicolas Laurent & Jean Van Ecclout arants fait & signe de lours Respectiff seings & paraphes Lacte En forme daduis cy dessus sont Notaires Rojaux dartoix de Laresidence de Citte Ville & qua tous samblables actes ainsy doulx signes Est adioute pleine forj & Credance En Jugement & dehors En tesmoing de quoy nous accons aids presantes fait Mettre & apposer Le seel aus Causes de Exd Ville & Les signer de nre greffier principal Le Vingtus de Juillet seize Cent quattre vingt & six A Cardoces |
Volume 717, Page 409 View pdf image |
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