Volume 717, Page 141 View pdf image |
141 (132 and held for Nought And that hee to those things w.ch hee by occasion of the p.rmisses hath lost bee restored and that the said John Rawlings to the errors aforesaid may answere w.ch Record proceedings and Errors aforesaid being Read and heard The said John Rawlings Came and saith Nothing in barr why the Judgment aforesaid should not bee Revoaked adnulled and held for nought Therefore it is Considered that the Judgment aforesaid for the Errors in the Record and procts aforesaid bee Revoaked adnulled and altogether held for nothing and that the said Thomas Taylor unto all things wch by reason of the Judgment aforesaid hee hath Lost bee restored and that the said Thomas Taylor Recover against the said John Rawlings the sume of One thousand one hundred twenty two pounds of Tobacco for his Costs of suite in this behalfe expended Richard Walker ag.t Memorandum that on the Eight and twentieth day of Septemb.r in the fourth John Shankes yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Domini One thousand six hundred seaventy nine Came Richard Walker by Christopher Rousby his attorney before the Hono.ble Phillip Calvert Esq.r Chancellour of this Province and prayed his Lordshipps Writt of Error to the said Richard Walker to bee grannted to the Comiss.rs or Justices of his Lordshipps County Court of Saint Maries County to bee directed to require them the said Comissioners of the said County Court of Saint Maryes County to send before his Lordshipps Justices of his Provinciall Court att the Citty of Saint Maryes the Eighth day of October then next following the teno.r of the Record proceedings and Judgment of the said Saint Maryes County Court in a Case lately depending between John Shankes p.lt and the said Richard Walker Defendant And it is grannted unto him The teno.r of w.ch said writt followeth in these words Viz Charles absolute Lord and Propry of the provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c To our Comissioners of Saint Maries County Greeting Because in the Record and proces as also in the rendring of Judgment before you in our said Court against Richard Walker att the suite of John Shankes manifest Error happened to the great dammage of the said Richard Walker as by the greate Complaint of the said Richard wee have heard Wee willing that the Errors of any bee should in due manner bee Corrected and full and speedy Justice to bee done to the said parties in this behalfe Doe command you that the Record and proces of the said Judgment w.th all things touching the same before our Justices of our prov.all Court to bee hale att our Citty of Saint Maries the Eighth day of October next under your hands and seales distinctly and openly you send that Inspection being had of the Record and proceedings therein Wee may cause further to bee done what of Right and according to the Lawes and Constitucons of this province ought to bee done therein and that yo.u have there this writt Witnesse our selfe att our Citty of Saint Maries the twenty eighth day of September in the fourth yeare of our Dominion &c Annoq Domnis One thousand six hundred seaventy nine Att w.ch said Eighth day of October in the yeare aforesaid the Comiss.rs of the said Saint Maryes County Court to his Lordshipps Justices of the Provinciall Court att the Citty of Saint Maryes the transcript of the Records of the proceedings and Judgment of the said Saint Maryes County Court have sent according as by the said Writt they were comanded under the hand of the Clerke of the said County Court the send.r Whereof Followeth in these Words Viz S.t Maryes County ss Charles absolute Lord and prop.ry of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c To the sheriffe of Saint Maryes County Greeting Wee comand you that you take the body of Richard Walker and himselfe keepe soe that you have his body before Our Justices of our County Court to bee held att Newtowne the first tuesday in August next to answere (unto |
Volume 717, Page 141 View pdf image |
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