Volume 703, Page 608 View pdf image |
608 provincial Court and Acknowledgd the within mentioned Tract or parcell of Land within deeded or intended to be deeded to be the right of the within named Raphael Taney his heirs & Assignes for ever according to the true intent and meaning thereof and to and Act of Assembly in such Cases made and provided Acknowledgd & Examind before me the day & year above mentioned Geo Steuart Received the 3.d September 1765 of Raphael Taney Four Shillings Sterling being the Alienation fine on the within Land for the use of Lord Baltimore and by virtue of a Commission from Edward Lloyd Esq his said Lordships Agent and Receiver General 8 sides John Davidson Recorded 3.d of September 1765 Ex.d This Indenture made this twenty fourth Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty five Between Samuel Budd of Baltimore County in the province of Maryland Gentleman and Milkah his Wife of the one part and Thomas Ringgold of Chester Town in Kent County in the Province afs.d Merchant of the other Part Whereas the af.d Samuel Budd & Milkah his Wife did by their Deed bearing Date the eleventh Day of June in the Year of our Lord seventeen hundred and sixty bargain sell and Convey to the said Thomas Ringgold by way or mortgage one hundred acres of Land Part of the Land lying and being in Baltimore County near Bush River Church which Joseph Young late Father of the said Milkah devised to her, called Hollands Lot or be it called or known by any other Name or Names whatsoever, The said one hundred acres to be laid off on that End of the Land next to Capt.n John Halls and by one Line a Cross the Tract in the most compact Manner only ot run clear of the Buildings on the said Land by Way of Mortgage for the Payment of one hundred and twenty seven Pounds ten Shillings current Money and Interest on the first Day of June which shoud be in the year of our Lord Seventeen hundred and sixty one And whereas the said Samuel Budd did also on the eighteenth day of June in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and sixty mortgage to the said Thomas Ringgold Twenty one Negroes for the Security of the Payment of the sum of nine hundred and three Pounds five Shillings and four pence current money & Interest on the first of which Mortgage no Part of the principal money or Interest hath yet been paid and on the last no great Part insomuch as there is is still due on both the said Mortgages to the said Thomas Ringgold the sum of Seven hundred and ninety two pounds ten Shillings current money and to induce the said Thomas Ringgold to forbear to sell the said Land and Negroes for some Time longer to raise and pay the said money so due but Not to be hereby precluded from the Power of so doing it if he shoud see it proper ^so^ to do and also to give him an additional Security for his Money so as af.d due and the Interest thereon accruing the said Samuel & Milkah have agreed to convey to the said Thomas (Ringgold) |
Volume 703, Page 608 View pdf image |
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