Volume 699, Page 42 View pdf image |
42) On the back of the aforegoing Deed was thus Endorst Vizt February 25.th 1737/8 Then rec.d of M.r Joseph Lazeer forty pounds Sterling the Consideration within mentioned Witness John Beall Rich.d Snowden Thomas Crawthin Prince Georges County fs March 11.th 1737/8 then Came M.r Richard Snowden Party to the within Deed and acknowledged the same together with the Lands and Premisses therein mentioned according as the Act of Assembly directs before John Beall Turner Wootton May 16:1738 Reced of Joseph Laseer five Shil.s for the use of the Right Honble the Lord Baltimore being for the alienation fyne of the within mentioned One hundred Twenty Six Acres of Land Reced p me B Tasker Recorded May 26.th 1732 8 sides x.d This Indenture made the twentieth fith Day of Feb.ry Anno Dom One thousand Seven hundred and thirty Seven Between Joseph Lazeer Sen.r of Prince Georges County Planter of the One Part and Richard Snowden of Ann Arundell County in the Province of Maryland Iron Master of the other Part Witnesseth that the said Joseph Lazeer for and in Consideration of the Sum of Forty Pounds Sterling Money of Great Britain to him in hand paid by the said Richard Snowden at & before the Ensealing and Delivery of these Presents the Receipt whereof he the said Joseph Lazeer doth hereby acknowledge himself ^therewith to be^ fully satisfyed Contented and Paid and thereof and of Every part and parcell thereof doth Acquit Exonerate & discharge the said Richard Snowden his heirs Ex.rs Adm.rs & Assignes and Every of them for Ever by these Presents Hath given Granted bargained sold assigned aliened Enfeoffed transferred and Confirmed and by these Presents doth give grant bargain sell assign alien Enfeoffe transfer & Confirm unto the said Richard Snowden his Heirs and Assignes for Ever all that peice parcell and part of a Tract of Land Called the Addition to Clarkes Grove and running thence west Sixty Degrees Southerly One hundred & twenty Seven Perches North One Degree Easterly One hundred & twenty Seven Perches North Eighty five Degrees Easterly one hundred & twenty Seven Perches thence with a Straight line to the first bounder Containing and laid out for One hundred Acres of land be the same more or less Together with all Houses Outhouses Buildings Fences Trees Woods Underwoods Priviledges Profits Comoditys and Appurtenances Whatsoever on the same being or to the same or any Part or Parcell thereof belonging or in any wise Appertaining To have and to hold the hereby Granted Tract (of) |
Volume 699, Page 42 View pdf image |
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