SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 333
bear the signature and seal of the professional engineer or profes-
sional land surveyor who prepared or approved them.
(b) A corporation or partnership desiring a certificate of au-
thorization shall file with the Board an application, using a form
provided by the Board, listing relevant information, including the
names and addresses of all officers and board members of the cor-
poration, or officers and partners of the partnership, and also of an
individual or individual duly registered to practice engineering or
land surveying in this State who shall be in responsible charge of
the practice of engineering or land surveying in this State through
said corporation or partnership, and other information required by
the Board accompanied by an original authorization fee to be deter-
mined by the Board. A form, giving the same information, must
accompany the annual renewal fee to be determined by the Board.
In the event there shall be a change in any of these persons during
the year, such change shall be designated on the same form and filed
with the Board within thirty (30) days after the effective date of
said change. If all the requirements of this section are met, the
Board shall issue a certificate of authorization to such corporation
or partnership, and such corporation or partnership shall be au-
thorized to contract for and to collect fees for engineering and land
surveying services.
(c) No such corporation or partnership shall be relieved of re-
sponsibility for conduct or acts of its agents, employees or officers
by reason of its compliance with the provisions of this section, nor
shall any individual practicing engineering or land surveying as
defined in Section 2 be relieved of responsibility for engineering or
land surveying services performed by reason of his employment or
relationship with such corporation or partnership.
[21] 22. 20.
If any section or sections of this article shall be declared unconsti-
tutional or invalid, this shall not invalidate any other sections of
this article.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1967.
Approved April 14, 1967.
(House Bill 30)
AN ACT to authorize the issuance of bonds of the Washington Subur-
ban Sanitary District in an amount not exceeding $20,000,000 for
enlarging, increasing and augmenting the water supply and major
distribution facilities of said District; to provide that said bonds
shall be guaranteed as to payment of principal and interest by the
County Council of Montgomery County and the County Commis-
sioners of Prince George's County, with a provision for waiver of
such guarantee at the option of the Commission; to provide for the