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Lord God One Thousand Seven Hundred and ffive Betweene Robert Smith
the other part Wittnesseth that whereas there is now holden a Certain Tract
less Being Equally divided into Two Equall parts in Length and breadth accord-
fforde; Now know yee that it is mutually agreed upon Betweene the said
have and hold to him and them for ever; all the south part of the sd Tract
ches Then north One Hundred and Sixty Perches Then west to Ripley and
and ffifty acres Together with all ye houses ffences gardens orchards and
ffive thereof being given in Exchange for seventy five at the north end of
of we have hereunto Interchangeably sett our hands and afixed our seales
Robert Smith {seal}
was Endorsed on ye Backside
the wthin named Robert Smith
Indenture to & for ye uses wthin menconed
Lumley Clk
in the year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven Hundred and ffive Between
Talbot County of the other part Wittnesseth that the said George for a
Delivery of these prsents the receipt thereof he doth hereby acknowledge &
Contented and paid, and Do by these prsents Exonerate acquitt and Discharge
every of them by these prsents for ever and for divers good causes &
these prsents doth give grant Bargaine Sell Aliene Enfeoffe and Confirme from
or his assignes for ever; all that part or parcell of Land being the one
ffifty Acres Sittuate on the Branches of Island Creeke in Chester river in
fore made To have and to hold the same one Hundred and ffifty acres
Houses ffences Gardens and orchards and appurtenances thereunto
his Heires or his assignes for ever free and Cleare and ffreely and clearely
former gifts grants bargaines sales Leases forfeitures Joyntures Surrenders
rents and services which henceforth shall grow Due and payable to the
and the said George doth further Covenant for himselfe and his Heires
[t]o and with Every of them by these prsents for ever, That he the said
Convey all and singular the above rented prmises with the appur-
against all manner of persons [illegible] Executors and
Heires or his assignes against all manner of persons wtsoever Lawfully
keep harmless to the only proper use and behoofe of him the said
att the reasonable request of himi the said Robert Smith his
the said George or his Heires shall seale Deliver and acknowledge
ances requisitt in the premises for the better and more sure makeing
Interchangeably sett our hands and afixed our seales the day and
George [mark] Vanderford {seal}
was Endorsed on the
Then came the within named
open Court & acknowledged
and for the uses within menconed
Lumley Clk: Co: Kent