incorporated city or town in this State,
except Baltimore City, and to prescribe and
from time to time to alter ( 1 ) the number,
qualifications, tenure, and method of se-
lection of the Judges of any such Court,
and their powers, duties and compensation,
except that the term of office or compensa-
tion of any Judge shall not be reduced
during his continuance in office; (2) the
jurisdiction of any such Court (which may
be made exclusive as to any class or classes
of civil cases in such county, or any part
thereof, city or town) and the right of
appeal therefrom; (3) the number, qualifi-
cations, tenure, method of selection, duties,
and compensation of all constables, clerks
or other employees for such Court; and (4)
all other matters relating to such Court.
After adoption of this Section the Governor
shall not be required to appoint any parti-
cular number of Justices of the Peoce in any
county or in any of the several election
districts of the counties as now provided in
Section 42 of the Constitution.
Part V-B. Municipal Court.
Sec. 41C. (a) There is hereby created
See those provisions of the proposed Consti-
a Municipal Court of Baltimore City. Said
tution applicable to the District Court.
Court shall consist originally of eleven
Judges; the number of such Judges may
thereafter be increased or decreased by the
General Assembly by Law, but no such
decrease shall affect the term of any Judge
then in office or his right to stand for
election for further terms as hereinafter
provided. The Judges of said Court shall
have the qualifications prescribed by Section
2 of this Article, shall each have practiced
law in the City of Baltimore for a total
period of at least five years and shall devote
their full time to the duties of said Court;
they shall hold office subject to the provi-
sions of Sections 3 and 4 of this Article with
regard to retirement and removal from
office; and they shall receive such compen-
sation from such sources as shall be pro-
vided by Law by the General Assembly,
which shall not be diminished during their
continuance in office. Authority is hereby
given to the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore to pay to each of the Judges of
the Court herein created such annual sum
as an addition to their respective salaries
as the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
shall from time to time deem right and
proper, provided that any such sum, being
once granted, shall not be diminished dur-
ing the continuance of said Judges in office.