appointed, in the manner hereinafter pre-
scribed, by the Judges of said Court; and
such Chief Constable shall appoint, in the
manner hereinafter prescribed, all original,
subsequent and additional constables and
clerks employed pursuant to this section,
and shall supervise and direct the work of
all such constables and clerks. There shall
be appointed originally fourteen such con-
stables and sixteen such clerks; the number
of either may, on the joint recommendation
of said Court and said Chief Constable, be
increased by the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore City; no vacancy in the posi-
tion of any constable or clerk, however
arising, shall be filled by said Chief Con-
stable unless the Judges of said Court and
said Chief Constable shall expressly find
that the filling of such vacancy is necessary
for the efficient operation of said Court.
The positions of said Chief Constable and
of all such constables and clerks shall be
positions in the Classified City Service of
Baltimore and the provisions of the Charter
of said City with respect to said City Service
are hereby expressly made applicable
thereto, provided that, the Chief Constable
at the time this amendment becomes
effective shall continue and remain in said
position and immediately become a member
of said Classified City Service of Baltimore;
all such positions shall be classified by the
City Service Commission and all appoint-
ments, promotions, transfers, reinstatements,
and removals with respect to such positions
shall be made only in accordance with the
provisions, rules and regulations of said
Classified City Service in force from time
to time. Such Chief Constable and all of
such other constables and all such clerks
shall receive from the Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Baltimore City such compensation
as said Mayor and City Council shall pre-
scribe. Such constables and clerks shall
perform such duties as may now or hereafter
be prescribed by Law or rule of Court.
After adoption of this section no con-
stable shall be appointed by the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore City pursuant
to Section 42 or Section 43 of this Article IV,
but constables in office upon the adoption
of this section shall hold office for the
remainder of their terms, and the constables
first appointed under this section shall take
office at the expiration of such terms.
Sec. 41B. The General Assembly shall
See those provisions of the proposed constitu-
have power by Law to establish a People's
tion applicable to the District Court.
Court in any county, or any part thereof,