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as provided by Law, certified by the Comp-

liver to the presiding officer of each house a

troller; (d) to pay and discharge the

budget bill for all the proposed appropria-

principal and interest of the debt of the

tions of the budget, classified and in the

State in conformity with Section 34 of

form and detail that he shall determine or

Article 3 of the Constitution, and all Laws

that the General Assembly may prescribe by

enacted in pursuance thereof; (e) for the

law. Each presiding officer shall promptly

salaries payable by the State and under

cause the budget bill to be introduced. Be-

the Constitution and Laws of the State; (f)

fore final action on the budget bill by the

for the establishment and maintenance

General Assembly, the governor may amend

throughout the State of a thorough and

or supplement the bill to correct an over-

efficient system of public schools in con-

sight, to appropriate funds contingent on

formity with Article 8 of the Constitution

passage of pending legislation, or to provide

and with the Laws of the State; (g) for

for an emergency. An amendment or a sup-

such other purposes as are set forth in the

plement shall be delivered to the presiding

Constitution or Laws of the State.

officer of each house, and it shall become an

(5) The Governor shall deliver to the

addition, substitute, or modification of the

presiding officer of each House the Budget

budget bill or any item thereof. Each

and a bill for all the proposed appropria-

amendment or supplement shall be accompa-

tions of the Budget classified and in such

nied by a statement by the governor

form and detail as he shall determine or

explaining the reasons therefor.

as may be prescribed by Law; and the
presiding officer of each House shall
promptly cause said bill to be introduced

Section 6.12. Amendment of Budget Bill.

The General Assembly may amend the

therein, and such bill shall be known as

budget bill by increasing any item relating to

the "Budget Bill." The Governor may,

the legislative or judicial branches, or by te-

with the consent of the General Assembly,

ducing or striking out any item except the

before final action thereon by the General

appropriation of sufficient funds to provide

Assembly, amend or supplement said Budget
to correct an oversight, provide funds con-
tingent on passage of pending legislation
or, in case of an emergency, by delivering
such an amendment or supplement to the

for the timely payment of interest updh and
installments of principal of all state indebt-
edness and the appropriations required by
law for state support of public school sys-
tems. The General Assembly may not amend

presiding officers of both Houses; and such

the budget bill in any other manner, or

amendment or supplement shall thereby

change the estimate of revenues, or decrease

become a part of said Budget Bill as an

the compensation of a public officer during

addition to the items of said bill or as a

his term of office.

modification of or a substitute for any item
of said bill such amendment or supplement
may affect.

Section 6.13. Enactment of Budget Bill.

The budget bill shall become law when

passed by both houses of the General Assem-

(6) The General Assembly shall not

bly and shall not be subject to veto by the

amend the Budget Bill so as to affect either

governor. If the budget bill shall not have

the obligations of the State under Section 34

been finally enacted by the General Assembly

of Article 3 of the Constitution, or the

by the eightieth day of its regular session,

provisions made by the Laws of the State

the governor shall issue a proclamation ex-

for the establishment and maintenance of

tending the session until the enactment of

a system of public schools or the payment

the budget bill and ten days thereafter. After

of any salaries required to be paid by the
State of Maryland by the Constitution

the proclamation no other legislation, except
provision for the cost of the extended ses-

thereof; and the General Assembly may

sion, shall be finally passed by the General

amend the bill by increasing or diminishing

Assembly until the budget bill has been en-

the items therein relating to the General


Assembly, and by increasing the items

therein relating to the judiciary, but except

Section 6.14. Testimony on Budget Bill.

as hereinbefore specified, may not alter the

Either house of the General Assembly may

said bill except to strike out or reduce
items therein, provided, however, that the

require any person in any branch or agency
of the state government, other than the gov-

salary or compensation of any public officer

ernor, to appear and testify with respect to

shall not be decreased during his term of

the budget bill or a supplementary appropri-



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