Sec. 51. The personal property of
Section 6.02. Local Taxing Power.
residents of this State, shall be subject to
All units of local government shall retain,
taxation in the county or city where the
unless withdrawn by the General Assembly
resident bona fide resides for the greater
by law, those taxing powers that they have
part of the year for which the tax may
at the effective date of this Constitution.
or shall be levied, and not elsewhere, except
goods and chattels permanently located,
Taxing powers may be granted or withdrawn
by the General Assembly by law applicable
which shall be taxed in the city or county
where they are so located, but the General
to all municipal corporations or by law ap-
plicable to one or more of the other popu-
Assembly may by law provide for the taxa-
larly elected representative local governments.
tion of mortgages upon property in this
State and the debts secured thereby, in the
See Section 7.04, Powers of Counties, p. 89,
county or city where such property is
for taxing powers.
Sec. 52. ( 1 ) The General Assembly shall
See Section 6.08, Appropriations, p. 30.
not appropriate any money out of the
Treasury except in accordance with the
Section 6.09. The Budget.
provisions of this section.
The governor shall submit a budget for
(2) Every appropriation bill shall be
the ensuing fiscal year to the General Assem-
either a Budget Bill, or a Supplementary
bly on the third Wednesday in January in
Appropriation Bill, as hereinafter provided.
each year, except that in the year after the
(3) On the third Wednesday in January
in each year, (except in the case of a newly
elected Governor, and then not later than
ten days after the convening of the General
election of a new governor, the budget shall
be submitted not later than twelve days after
the convening of the regular session of the
General Assembly. In any year the time may
be extended by the General Assembly. The
Assembly), unless such time shall be ex-
budget shall show the estimated surplus or
tended by the General Assembly, the
deficit of revenues, at the end of the preced-
Governor shall submit to the General As-
ing year and shall contain for the ensuing fis-
sembly a Budget for the next ensuing fiscal
cal year an estimate of revenues, a complete
year. Each Budget shall contain a com-
plan of proposed expenditures by program
plete plan of proposed expenditures and
including all appropriations required by this
estimated revenues for said fiscal year and
Constitution or by law, and any additional
shall show the estimated surplus or deficit
information prescribed by law, all in such
of revenues at the end of the preceding
form and detail as the governor shall deter-
fiscal year. Accompanying each Budget
mine. The total of the proposed expenditures
shall be a statement showing: (a) the
shall be limited to funds available therefor
revenues and expenditures for the preced-
as shown in the budget.
ing fiscal year; (b) the current assets,
Section 6.10. Mandatory Appropriations.
liabilities, reserves and surplus or deficit of
the State; (e) the debts and funds of the
State; (d) an estimate of the State's financial
condition as of the beginning and end of
the preceding fiscal year; (e) any ex-
planation the Governor may desire to make
as to the important features of the Budget
and any suggestions as to methods for reduc-
The estimates of appropriations for the
legislative branch certified by the presiding
officer of each house, and for the judicial
branch certified by the judge designated by
the chief judge of the Court of Appeals to
certify the judicial branch budget, shall be
transmitted to the governor in the form and
at the time that he shall direct. To the ex-
tion or increase of the State's revenue.
tent that appropriations for the legislative
(4) Each Budget shall embrace an esti-
and judicial branches and for state support
mate of all appropriations in such form and
of public school systems are required by law,
detail as the Governor shall determine or
the estimates therefor shall be included in
as may be prescribed by Law, as follows:
the budget without revision.
(a) for the General Assembly as certified
to the Governor in the manner hereinafter
Section 6.11. Presentation of Budget Bill.
provided; (b) for the Executive Depart-
At the time the governor submits the
ment; (e) for the Judiciary Department,
budget to the General Assembly, he shall de-