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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1853-54
Volume 564, Page 384   View pdf image
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Port al, fm n b line to n w branch, e of hospital
Portland, fm Fremont to Columbia, s of Pratt
Poppleton, fm Ramsay to Franklin, w of Fremont
Porter, fm Clagett con w branch
Polomac, f m n w branch to n b line, Canton
Potter, fm Gay to Fayette, bet Exeter and East
Poultney, from Light to s Charles btw Hamburg
and Cross
Pratt, fm w b line to e b line, s of Baltimore st
Presbury, f m w b line to Calhoun, n w limits
President, fm Pratt to city dock, e of the Falls av.
Presstman. fm w b line to Garden, crosses Penn. av
Preston, fm Penn av toJohn st [and Fremont st
Proctor al, fm n b line to Chase st, e of York avenue
Prosser, fm Patapsco river to n w branch, w of fort
Pulaski, fm Gywnn's falls to w b line, running near
Putnam, fm James to mid. b, near s w limits [w b line
Raborg, fm Greene to Republican, n of Baltimore
Race, fm Charles to tnid. branch, w of Hanover st
Ramsay, f m w b line to Fremont, com. at Columbia
Randall, fm mid. branch to Webster, ending near
Read fm Cathedral to North, n of Madison [P. house
Reese,fm Clagett to n w b, e of powderhouse
Regester, fm G Hampstead to East. av. e of Broadw
Republican, fm w Balto. to Lombard, w of Gilmour
Reynolds, fm Patap riv to n w b, bet fort & P. house
Richardson, " " " "
Richmond, fm Biddle to Cathedral, w end of Park st
Ridgely, fm middle branch to Fremont, ends Fre-
mont near Conway [fort
River, fm Ostend to Clement, bet powderhouse and
Robert, fm Fremont to Bolton, near junc of Fremont
Robinson, fm Patapsco riv to n w branch [& Penn av
Robinson, from Canton av. to Boston, near eastern
city limits, Canton
Rock, fm Fayette to Saratoga, w of Fremont
Rose al, f m n b line to n w branch, e of Hospital
Ross, fm Howard to n b line, com. bet Monument &
Run Saratoga to Raborg st.w of Pearl [Centre
Russell, fm mid b to Fremont, enters Fremont near
Russell lane, fm Can^l to Eden, n of Orleans [Lee
Russel al, fm Gwynn's falls to Cross, terminating
near Columbia
Rut-ter al, fm McMechin to Dolphin, w of'Cathedral
Rutledge, f m w b line to James, s w limits
St. James, near St. James' Church, runs fin Aisquilh
St. Mary, fm Penn av to Madison, side of Seminary
St. Paul, fm Balt to n b line, bet Charles and Calvert
St. Peter, fin Parkin to Perry, s of Columbia
St. Peter al, fm Parkin to Sterrett, s of Columbia
Sadtler, fm Warren to Donaldson, 5 e of Light
.Salisbury al, fm Exeter to Canal, n of Lombard

Sarah, Ann. fm Schroeder'to Chatsworth, n of Sara-
Saratoga, fm Gay to w bline, n of Lexington [toga
Sassafras, fm Gwynn's falls to Cross, ent Cross near
Scammel, fm w b line to James, s w limits [Hamb'g
Schroeder, fm James to Lanvate, 4 w of Fremont
Scott, fm Lombard to West, comnc'g near Fremont
Second, fm South to C. market bet Balt and Lombd.
Second la, fm Fifth la to Sixth st, nr Powderhouse
Seventh, from Clement to Sixth street
Severn, fm Gwynn's falls to Scott, near mid branch
Shakspear, fm Bond to Broadway, n of Thames
Sharp, fm Pleasant to mid branch, e of Liberty
Shicide al, fm Hollins mkt. lo Biddle, bet Chatsworth
and Pennsylvania avenue
Short, fm Jefferson to Orleans, e of Aisquith
Short al, fm Short to Canal, e of Aisquith
Sixth, from Fourth st to Webster, nr Powderhouse
Slemmer al, fm Granby to Eastern av, e of President
Smallwood, fm Gwynn's falls to w b line
Smith, fm Fremont to Penn av, 7 n w of Biddle
Smith's al, fm Gay to Frederick, s of Lombard
Smith's lane, fm Smith's to Buchanan's wharf, s of
Somerset, fm John to Madison, e of Aisquith [Pratt
South, fm Baltimore to the basin, w of Gay
Spring court, fronting n side Charles st fountain
Spring, fm city clock to n b line, e of Eden st
Spurrier's court, s side of Lexington w of St. Paul
Stable al, fm Pratt to Lombard, w of Gay
Slansbury al, fm Molt to Monument, bet Gay and
Star al, fm b line to Canton av,e of Wolf [Stirling
State, fm Franklin to Saratoga, w of Howard.
Sterrelt, fm McHenry to Ramsay.
Sterrett al, fm Sterrett to Scott.
Stevenson, fm Clagett to n w b, e of powder-house
Stiles, fm e falls av to Canal, bet Pratt and Fawn
Stricker, from James to n Calhoun, crossing near
junction of Baltimore st and Frederick av
Stirling, fm Mott to Eager, com. in Mott, n of Gay
Stockholm, fm James to Leadenhall, s w of Cross &
Stockton al, fm Presstman to Eagle [West
Stoddart al, fm Gold to Biddle, bet Republican and
Steuart ,fm Patap r to n w b, bet fort &, p. house [Carey
Strange al, fm McClellan to Charles,n of Baltimore
Steuben, fm w b line to James, near s w limits
Sullivan, " " " "
Suffolk, fm Heath to Patapsco riv, w of powderhouse
Slump al, fm Barre to Conway, w of Charles
Swan, fm Centre market to the falls s of Baltimore
Temple, fm Baltimore to Fayette, bet Exeter & High
Tenant, f m w b line to Fremont, end at junction of
Chatsworth and Fremont
Tenfoot al, six doors fm Balto. running fm Spring


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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1853-54
Volume 564, Page 384   View pdf image
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