Martin,fm Palapsco river to n w branch, w of the fort
Mason al, ftn Robert to Biddle,near Richmond mar-
Mattheas, fm Calvert to Grant, n of Pratt [kel
May, fm Canal to Spring, bet Holland and Mullikin
McCleilan, fm Balt. to Fayette, bet Sharp andChas.
McComas. fm mid branch to Patap. riv. Ferry point
McCulloch, fm Biddle to Gold, com'g bet Ross and
McElderry, fm Aisquith to Hospital square, s of
Monument st.
McHenry, f m w b line to Fremont, s of Pratt
McHenry al, fm Hollins to St. Peter, w of Fremont
McKim,fm Madison to n b line, e of York avenue
McMecMn, fm Penn. av to w Oliver, n w of Biddle
Mechanics' court, w of High, n of Gay
Meetinghouse al,fm Eutaw to Long al, s of Franklin
Mercer, fm Calvert to Light, s of Baltimore
Middle Branch is the body of water which lies e of
Ferry point, and into which Gwynn's falls
empties ; commonly called Spring Garden
Mill, fm Pratt to the basin, bet Concord st and Mc-
Elderry's wharf
Miller, fm Bond to Broadw, btw Madison & Chew
Milliman, fm Caroline to Broadway, btw Madison
and Monument
Moale, fm middle branch to n w b, Ferry point
Monroe, fm James to n b line, w suburbs
Montgomery, fm Eutaw to n w b, s of Hill
Montgomery court, n of Montgomery st, w of Light
Mount Macdonough, n w suburbs
Mount Vernon place, at Washington monument
Monument, fm Ross and Paca to e b 1, s of Madison
Monument sq. encloses Battle monument, Calvert st
Moore al. n w fm Tessier, bet Biddle and Orchard
Morris al. fm Bloome to w Biddle, n of Madison
Morion al, fm Madison to n b line, w of Charles st.
Mother, f m w b line to Elm, 5 n of Franklin
Mott, fm Ensor to Gay, bet Forrest and Monument
Moylon, fm Fremont to Penn. av, 8 n of Biddle
Mullikin,fm Canal to Broadway, s of Orleans
Mulberry , f m w b line to Calverl st. n of Saratoga
Mulberry court, w of Fremont, n of Lexington
Nanticoke, fm. Gwynn's falls to Cross, ending near
Neale, fm n w b to Patap r, near the fort [Columbia
Necessity al, fm High to Potter, n of Fayette
Neighbor, fm McKim st to Harford av, n of Madison
New, fm Paca to Eutaw, n of Franklin [ette
New Church, fm Sharp st to Crooked lane, n of Fay-
Nicholson, fm n w br, to n w b, e of powderhouse
Nichohon lane, fm Aisquith to Canal, s of Jackson
Norfolk, fm Wells st to Patapsco river
Norrisal, fm Presstman to Rutledge, w suburbs
North, fm Baltimore to n b line, bet Gay & Calvert
North av. fm e b line to w b line, along the n b line
North Bowly, (formerly Franklin lane) from Pratt
Northwest st, western and northern city limits
to e Water, near South street
Northwest branch is that body of water enclosed by
the two points on which Fort McHenryand
Lazaretto are situated
Oal, fm Greene to Diamond, sof Lexington
Oak, fra n b line to Federal, e of Cathedral
Ogston, fm Franklin to Chatsworth, w junct. Biddle
and George
Ohio, from Stockholm to Smallwood, near B. and
O. Railway, Canton
Oliver, fm n b 1 to e b 1, 7 n of Madison
Orange al, fm North to Gay, n of Lexington
Orbe al, fm n b line to Eager, w of Ensor [ument
Orchard, fm Penn av to Ross, w of Paca and Mon-
Oregon, fm Baltimore to Lombard, w of Republican
Orleans, fm Bel Air market to e b line, n of Fayette
Oslend, fm Perry to n w b, betw Race and William1
O'Donnel, 1m n w branch to e b line, Canton
Paca,im Fremont to Monmn't, bet Eutaw & Greene
Paca L., fm Paca to Con way, s of Camden
Painter's court, fm 57 e Fayette
Park, fm Richmond to Liberty, e of Howard
Parkin, between Hollins and Pratt, near Fremont
Parrish al, fm Baker to Chatham, w suburbs
Patapsco. fm n w b to n b line, near Harris's; creek
Patapsco also Henrietta to mid. branch, e of Chas.
Patapsco river runs s of Baltimore [Gay
Patterson, fm Pratt to the basin, bet Commerce and
Patuxent, fm n w br to n b line, e of Harris's creek
Payson. fm James to n b line, w suburbs
Peach al, fm mid branch to Montgomery, e of Sharp
Pear al, fm Preston to Union st, n e of Penn. av.
Pear st, fm Penn av. to w b, betw Greene and Pine
Peirce, fm n Schroeder to Pearl, n of Mulberry
Penn, fm German to Haw, bet Greene and Fremont
Pennsylvania av, fm Franklin to n b line, comenc'g
near termination of Greene street
Perry, fm middle branch to Light st, s of Camden
Philpot, fm Point to Thames, bet Block st. and n w b
Philpot al, fm Gough to Canal bet Granby and Pratt
Pine, fm George to German, w of Pearl
Pinkney al, fm Gwynn's falls to Cross street
Pleasant G ,fm Charles to Holliday, n of Saratoga
Pleasant L., fm Park to Charles, n of Saratoga
Plorer al, fm Centre to Richmond, e of Park
Plowman, fm High to Falls s of Baltimore
Plum, al, fm mid. branch to Montgomery, e of How-
Point, fm Dock to n w branch, near city dock [and