SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That two new sections be added to Section 19 of the
charter of the town of Mount Rainier, in Prince George's
County, Maryland, as the same was enacted by Chapter 200
of the Acts of 1916; said new sections to follow immediately
after Section 19 and to be known as Section 19A and Section
Section 19A. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor
and Common Council are hereby authorized and empowered to
levy and collect a special assessment not to exceed ten cents
on a hundred dollars, according to the assessed valuation ap-
pearing on the books of the treasurer of said town, on all real
and personal property situated in the town of Mount Rainier,
in Prince George's County, and the money derived from said
special assessment to be used exclusively for the payment of
salaries to persons employed for the purpose of enforcing mu-
nicipal ordinances and the preservation of peace and good or-
der in said town; said persons to be known as town police.
Section 19B. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor
and Common Council of Mount Rainier are hereby authorized
and empowered to collect the special assessment provided for
in Section 19A in the same manner provided for the collection
of taxes of real and personal property in the charter of the
town of Mount Rainier.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That before this Act
shall become effective the Mayor and Common Council of
Mount Rainier shall submit the question of a special assess-
ment to provide for adequate police force to the qualified vot-
ers of said town at an election to be held in said town as here-
inafter provided.
The date of said election shall be fixed by the Mayor and
Council and notice thereof shall be given by advertisement in
some newspaper published in Prince George's County once a
week for two successive weeks prior to said election and also
by posting notices of such election at least two places within
the limits of each ward in said town.
The ballots shall be prepared as ballots are prepared for
a general town election and shall have printed thereon the
''For a special assessment of 10 cents on $100 of real and
personal property for use in providing necessary police protec-
tion to the town of Mount Rainier," with a blank square oppo-