(c) Of laying sewers and water mains on the following
streets, to wit: On Ash street, west from Twenty-ninth street
to Twenty-eighth street; on Twenty-eighth street, north from
Ash street to Beech street; on Beech street, east from Twenty-
eighth street to a point to intersect with the present sewer
and water main on Twenty-ninth street on Twenty-ninth
street, a spur sewer and a water main northward from Cedar
street a distance of approximately two hundred feet; on Thir-
tieth street, north from Cedar street to Grape street; on Thirty-
first street, north from Cedar street to Elm street; on Thirty-
second street, from a point one hundred and fifty feet north
of Cedar street north to Grape street; on Thirty-fourth street,
from Date street north to Grape street, and sewer only from
Cedar street north to Date street; on Date street, east from
Thirty-first street to Thirty-fourth street; on Elm street, east
from Thirty-first street to Thirty-second street; on Grape
street, east from Thirty-second street to Thirty-fourth street;
on Hobson street, an outfall sewer east from Thirty-fourth
street to Prospect avenue, or so much thereof as in the dis-
cretion of the Mayor and Common Council may be advisable,
and such other sewers, water mains, or other purposes con-
nected with said water system, as in the discretion of the
Mayor and Council may be necessary towards completing the
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Common Council be and they are hereby authorized and em-
powered to do all things necessary for the proper issuance of
said bonds and to provide for their registration in their dis-
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That before issuing any
bonds under this Act, the Mayor and Common Council of Mt.
Rainier shall submit the question of issuing the aforesaid bonds
to the qualified voters of said town at an election to be held in
said town as hereinafter provided.
The date of said election shall be fixed by the Mayor and
Council and notice thereof shall be given by advertisement in
some newspaper published in Prince George's County, once
a week for two successive weeks prior to said election, and also
by posing notices of such election at least two places within
the limits of each ward in said town.
The ballots shall be prepared as ballots are prepared for
a general town election and shall have printed thereon the