River; thence south fifty-four (54°) degrees fifty-seven (57)
minutes, forty (40) seconds east five thousand six hundred
forty-eight and fifteen hundredths (5648.15) feet to a post
planted on the north shore and near the head of Spa Creek;
thence following the north shore line of Spa Creek to the
place where the west rail of the Bay Ridge Railroad was for-
merly located, the said point being in one of the present
boundary lines of the City of Annapolis; thence with the pres-
ent boundary of the City of Annapolis and with the west track
of the Bay Ridge Railroad in a northerly direction to the
monument placed on the south side of West street where the
building line intersects with the railroad tracks leading to Bay
Ridge; thence in a northerly direction and still following the
present boundary of the City of Annapolis to the southeast
corner of the stone wall enclosing the National Cemetery;
thence following said wall and the present boundary of the
City of Annapolis in a northerly direction to northeast corner
thereof; thence still with the present boundary of the City of
Annapolis in a straight line in a northeasterly direction to the
monument placed on the west shore of said Dorsey Creek;
thence following the meanderings of the west shore of said
Dorsey Creek in an easterly direction and with the present
boundaries of the City of Annapolis to the beginning point,
shall be annexed to and become a part of the City of Annapo-
lis, at the time and upon the conditions hereinafter mentioned.
SECTION 28 B. And be it further enacted, That all that part
of Anne Arundel County adjacent to the present boundaries
of the City of Annapolis, which is included within the follow-
ing metes and bounds, that is to say: Beginning for the same
at the monument placed on the south side of Spa Creek on the
west side of the track leading to Bay Ridge, and running from
thence and following the line where formerly was located the
west rail of said railroad the following courses and distances,
all courses being referred to the True Meridian; south twenty-
one (21°) degrees, seventeen (17) minutes, fifty (50) seconds,
east two thousand six hundred fourteen and thirty-five hun-
dredths (2614.35) feet to a curve in the said railroad; thence
with the said curve south nineteen (19°) degrees, fifteen (15)
minutes, forty (40) seconds, east one hundred eighty and
eleven hundredths (180.11) feet; south thirteen (13°) degrees,
thirty-seven (37) minutes, east two hundred two and ninety-
eight hundredths (202.98) feet; south seven (7°) degrees,