AN ACT to add additional Sections to Article 2 of the Code
of Public Local Laws title "Anne Arundel County," sub-
title "Annapolis," to follow immediately after Section 28
of said Article and to be designated as Sections 28 A,
28 B, 28 C, 28 D, 28 E, 28 F, 28 G, 28 H, 28 I and 28 J,
extending the boundaries of the City of Annapolis, creat-
ing additional wards for the annexed territory, and pro-
viding for Aldermen to represent said wards in the muni-
cipal corporation.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That additional sections be added to Article 2 of the
Code of Public Local Laws title "Anne Arundel County," sub-
title "Annapolis," to follow immediately after Section 28 of
said Article and to be designated as Sections 28 A, 28 B, 28 C,
28D, 28 E, 28 F, 28 G, 28 H, 28 I and 28 J.
SECTION 28 A. And be it further enacted, That all that part
of Anne Arundel County adjacent to the present boundaries
of the City of Annapolis which is included within the follow-
ing metes and bounds; that is to say : Beginning for the same
on the west shore of Dorsey or College Creek, at the end of the
straight line running in a western direction and following the
wall of the Naval Academy of the present boundary line of
the City of Annapolis; thence following the meanderings of
the west shore of said creek in a westerly direction to a post
planted at the end of a cove of Dorseys or College Creek, the-
said cove running in a northwesterly direction from the north-
west end of the existing highway bridge over Dorseys or Col-
lege Creek, the said point of beginning being in the present
boundary lines of the City of Annapolis, and running from
thence the following courses and distances, all courses being
referred to the True Meridian, south seventy-four (74) de-
grees, forty-five (45) minutes, fifty-seven (57) seconds week
six thousand six hundred fifty-five and four-tenths (6655.4))
feet to a stake on the north side of the Washington, Baltimore-
and Annapolis Electric Railroad and on the west side of the-
county road known as Simms Croes-Road; thence along the-
west side of the said county road south one (1°) degree, six-
teen (16) minutes, thirty-five (35) seconds west five hundred
fourteen and three-tenths (514.3) feet to a stake on the south-
side of the State Road leading from Annapolis to Southi