Nicholson Benjamin, porter and oyster cellar,
Camden lane
Nicholson Isaac L. & brother, lottery and ex-
change office, 16 Baltimore st
Nicholson Christopher, 54 N Gay st
Nicholson John & brother, lottery and exchange
offices, 16 Baltimore st and corner Fish
market space
++Nicholson Hannah, Carpenter's ahey
+Nicholson Adam, waiter, Pierce st
+Nicholson Charles, laborer, Con way st
Nickell Samuel, carpenter, Scott st
+Nickers Henry, laborer, Comb alley
Nickerson C. V. book and job printer, 4 s Gay Et
Nicole David, stone mason, 189 French st
Niebling Frederick, victualler, Baltimore st w of
Nield Richard, 2 s Exeter st
Night George W. American star tavern, w Lex-
ington st
Night mrs Clarissa, 10 Fish Market space
Night Thomas, laborer, Rope lane s of West st
Niies Hezekiah, editor of Niles's register, Water
st second house, E of South st. dw 68 St.
Paul's st
Niles John W. hat manufacturer, 32 Pratt st
Niles Samuel, weaver, Rock st near Saratoga
+Niles Jerry, laborer. Bank lane
Ninde James, chronometer and watch maker, 7
s Gay st
Nisbet A. s Frederick st n of Second
Niving Thomas, carpenter, Armistead lane
Nixdorff & Hager, dry goods merch. 225 Bal-
timore st. dw of T. N. Fayette st w of
Nixon John, meal merchant, York av
Noble Roswell, machine maker, 3 Mercer st
Noblet Anthony, clothing store, 48 Centre Mar-
ket space
+Nodden Sarah Honey al
+ Noel John, hair dresser, 7 and 28 n Howard st
Nolle John, wood and ivory turner, 52 Harrison s
Norfolk mrs S. fancy milliner and dress make
70 Baltimore st
Norman capt Thomas, 6 Waterloo row Calvert
Norris Edward, shoe maker,Friendship alley near
Eden st
Norris mrs M. M. dry goods store, Pitt st near
Norris James, house carpenter, Granby st near
Harford run
Norris mrs Mary seamstress, 163 High st
Norris John P. V Saratoga st
Norris John D. grocer and liquor store, cor Wa-
gon alley and Park st
Norris T. A. & Co. tea dealers 256 Baltimore st.
dw Wm. B. Norris, 256 Baltimore st
Norris Richard, (firm of George Bailey k Co.)
dw Saratoga st. between Charles and Lib-
erty sts
Norris Richard & Co. wholesale hardware mer-
chants, 216 Baltimore st. dw R. Norris, 60
n Charles st
Norris Wm. H. attorney at law, w Fayette st w
of St. Paul's st
Norris Wm. & Son, importers of dry poods, 201
Baltimore st. dw Wm. Norris, s Sharp st
Norris mrs Ann, 100 s Sharp st
Norris Wm. carpenter, Camden lane near Balti-
more St
Norris Edward S. dw 27 Hanover st near Lom-
bard St
Norris mrs Sarah H. Hanover st near Lombard
Norris Isaac, shoemaker, Chatsworth st near
Norris Benj. shoemaker, Park lane w of Pine st
Norris Elihjah, Pratt st w of Chatsworth run
Norris Luther A. grocery and liquor store, Hen-
rietta st near Charles
Norris Jacob, grain mer. Hughes's st r. end
Norris mrs Mary, Bond st near Hampstead
Norris Isaac, laborer, Saratoga st w of Cove
Norris T. E. & Co. grocers and commission mer
chants, 82 Pratt st wharf
+Norris Sukey. washer, Peach al
+Norris Jacob, liquor store, Conway st near Pratt
+Norris Wm. laborer, Howard st
North Edward, watchman, 93 Alice Anna st
Norton Joseph B. sea capt. 103 Bond st
+Norton Mary, washer, Pine st ner Franklin