Neilson Thom. N. Gay st opposite Exchange
dw NW cor Mulberry & St Paul's sts
Neilson Wm. blacksmith, Strawberry alley
Neilson Robert, (firm of Sands & Nielson,) prin-
ter, dw French st N of Constitution
Neilson Joseph, Constitution st near the monu-
Neilson mrs Caroline, Pearl st near Lexington
Neimyer Harman, carpenter, cor Sharp st and
Welcome alley
Nelson Robert, laborer, Spring st near Wilk
Nelson Richard C. n Eutaw near Lexington st
Nelson Wm. blacksmith, Commerce st wharf
Nelson Charles M. whitesmith, 39 N High st
Nelson mrs Margaret, Pierce st
Nenninger J. B. teacher of music, 4 Courtland st
Nesbitt Jonathan, weaver 19 AJbemarle
Ness Samuel, hack driver, Eden st near Pratt
++Netta Dennis, laborer, Welcome alley
+Nettles John, brickmaker, Hill st near Howard
Nevins rev. Wm. pastor of second presbyterian
church, North st w side n of Fayette
Newbell John, shoemaker, 96 Sharp st
++Nowbern John, sawyer, Spring st near Gough
Newcomb mr keeper of the Washington turn-
pike gate
Newcomb Reuben, keeper cf the Indian queen
and Baltimore house SE cor Baltimore and
Hanover sts
Newcomb James W. carpenter, Henrietta st near
s Charles
Newell John, grocery & liquor store, sw cor of
Gay & Aisquith sts
++Newell Ellen, Union st
+Newett Daniel, drayman, Pierce st w of Pine
Newhouse Carson, city bailiff, s Eutaw st oppo-
site Barre st
Newman Frederick, watch and clock maker, 28
s Howard st
Newman George H. merchant, 82 Bowly's wharf
dw Lexington st near Charles
Newman George H. & Co. merchants, 49 s Gay st
Newman William, house carpenter, 46 Front st
Newman Lawson, carpenter, Exeter st near Wilk
Newman Jacob, Baltimore st E of Cove
Newman Joseph, 325 w Baltimore st E of Co?e
shop German st
+Newman Fanny, Park lane
+Newman Rebecca, 74 French st
+Newman Frederick, laborer,Spring st near Pratt
Newton William, comb maker, Sarah Ann st ex-
Newton Thomas, shoemaker, Saratoga st w of
Nica John, seaman, Bond near Wilk st
Nicholas J. S. attorney at law, Fayette st n of St.
Paul's st. dw Lexington st near Charles
Nicholas John, caulker, 67 Wolf st
Nicholas mrs Sarah, 87 Pitt st
Nicholas David, shingle dresser, Henrietta st w
of Charles
+Nicholas Jeremiah, stevadore, Bank st near Eden
+Nicholas John W. barber, & hair dresser, 38 N
Gay st
+Nicholas Wesley, barber, Short st
+Nicholas Henny, 36 St Mary's st
+Nicholas Elizabeth, Pierce st
+Nicholas Esther, Hill st E of Charles
+Nicholas Jacob, carter, Hill st E of Charles
+Nicholas M. cor Light st & Guilford alley
Nichols Charles, attorney at law, 4 w Fayette st
Nichols William, plasterer, Pratt st near Straw-
berry al
Nichols Tho. bricklayer, Caroline at near Wilk
Nicholson Lewis, rigger, Thames st near Bond
Nicholson Wm. P. grocery & liquor store SE cor
Gay & High sts, dw High near Gay
Nicholson Wm. grocer, N High st near Gay
Nicholson John, Aisquith st near Pitt
Nicholson Edward, lock smith, Richmond st near
Nicholson Henry, blacksmith, Baltimore st w of
Nicholson John, feed and grocery store, 109
Camden st
Nicholson Thomas, carpenter, Wagon alley
Nicholson capt. J. J. of U. S. navy, dw Saratoga
st w of St. Paul's st s side
Nicholson James M. attorney at law, 5 Court-
land st