Harvey mrs Patience, Wayne st e of Howard
Harvey John, bricklayer, Giddings's row, e of Light st s of West
Harvey James, mariner, Washington st n of Fleet
Harvey capt Joseph, e side Eden st s of Pratt
Harvey Archibald, w side Tripolett's alley near Second st
Harvey J. & Co. dry goods mts. n w cor Hanover and Pratt sts
Harvey J. dw Sharp st 2 doors n of Camden
Harvey J. W. carpenter, e side Howard st 6 doors n of Conway
dw w side Sharp st 2d door s of Perry
Harwert John, labourer, Lombard st e of Bond
Harwood Thomas, sen. 115 n Howard st. dw Lex'n w of Park
Harwood James, grocer & flour mt. 119 n Howard st. dw 134 do.
Harwood Hon. James, judge, Saratoga st w of Gravel alley
Haskell John H. card manufacturer, Eutaw st cor Carpenter's al
dw 102 w Pratt st
Haslam Saml. smith, Front sts of Gay, dw Potter s of French
Haslett Margaret, boarding house, 64 n High st
Haslup mrs Elizabeth, York st e of Charles
Haslup Resin, blacksmith, North st s of Saratoga, dw 10 Pitt
Haslup John, blacksmith, Davis st n of Pleasant, dw Front s of
Haslup mrs Henrietta, Aisquith st n of Holland [Low
Hassefras Mary, Sarah Ann st e of Poppleton
Hasselberger G. butcher, w side Light st5 doors s of West
Hassliman George, Jasper st near Lexington
Hasson Jamas, w side Front st s of Hillen
Hastings James, coach trimmer, Argyle alley s of Bank st
Hastings Jas. grocer, w side Eutaw st s of Franklin, dvv opposite
Haswell John, carpenter, George st w ol'Penn avenue
Hatch Nathaniel T. shoemaker, Madison st w of Eutaw
Hatch Samuel T. plaisterer, Jasper st near Ross
Hatch Miss, 133 n Eutaw st
Hatchingson John, book keeper, Albemarle st n of Fawn
Hatchinson Benjamin O. constable, Market st s of Alice Anna
Hatspike L. 2d hand dealer, 43 Second st e of Frederick
Hattenbach Ann, tailoress, w side East st s of Hillen
Hatton Elizabeth, n side Gay st e of Mott
Hatton Ann, tailoress, Block st w of Thames
Haubert mrs Elizabeth C. Lombard st e of Paca
Haughey Richard T. teacher, w side s Sharp st s of Lombard
Haunett Jacob, pedlar, Shakspeare st w of Market
Haupt Matthias, tobacconist, n w cor Eutaw and Saratoga sts
Haupt John, cooper, Henrietta st w of Light
Hauptman John, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Hauptman Peter, printer, Frederick road e of toll gate
Hauptman A. " Md. iron factory," w side Light st n of West
Hause O. P. flour and com mt. 69 w Pratt st. dw Paca s of Lex.
Hausham Frederick, tailor, cor Bank and Eden sts
Havens Nathan, carpenter, Eutaw court opp Eutaw church
Havill Louis, pedlar, Shakespear st e of Bond
Haw Mary, Wilk st e of Caroline
Hawes mrs Rebecca, cor Hollins and Amity sts