Harryman Josiah, grocery and feed store, cor Gay and Forest sts
Harryman Wm. D. painter, Comet st w of Aisquith .
Harryman Wm. labourer, Lombard st w of Market
Harryman David, painter, w side Exeter st s of Low
Harryman Charles H. carpenter, Bank st e of Market
Harsenair Joseph, carpet weaver, cor Perry and Paca sts
Harshaw J. teacher, 103 Hanover st
Harshman Luke, seaman, William st s of Cross
Hart Archibald, grocer, 9 s Charles st. dw Fayette w of Howard
Hart Tobias, clothier, w side Bond st s of Alice Anna
Hart Charles John, dry goods merchant, 57 Lexington st cor
Stag alley, and s w cor Baltimore and Charles
Hart Francis, manufacturer, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Hart Wm. e side Eutaw st n of Mulberry
Hart Asa, carpenter, e side Gay st s of Aisquith
Hart John, fisher, Hamburg st w of William
Hart mrs Frances, Moore's alley near Ross st
Hartge Henry, piano maker, Baltimore st e of Pine
Hartigan mrs Michael, tavern, s e cor Lombard and Fred'k sts
Hartigan John, Dover st w of Eutaw
Hartigan Thos. labourer, e side Charles st 2 doors s of Camden
Hartigan John, cooper, Fawn st e of President
Hartley Francis, gardener, Belle Air road
Hartley Susannah, Castle alley near Fleet st
Hartlove George, brickmaker, West st w of Light
Hartlove Wesley, brickmaker, Hamburg st e of Charles
Hartlove Wm. brickmaker, West st w of Light
Hartman Wm. cabinet maker, dw 9 Harrison st
Hartman J. tailor, e side Gay st s of Baltimore
Hartman Daniel, Lamb Tavern, cor Franklin and Paca sts
Hartman J. boot and shoemaker, Baltimore st w of Pine
Hartman C. G. hatter, n side Gay st e of Front
Hartman Joseph, shoemaker, Low st e of Exeter
Hartman Samuel, shoemaker, Columbia st e of Cove
Hartman John, shoemaker, cor Hill and Sharp sts
Hartman John, shoemaker, Bond st s of Fleet
Hartzel J. hackman, College alley near Saratoga st dw Saratoga
betw Park and Liberty
Hartzel John, tailor, Tyson alley near Tyson st
Hartzel David, miller, rear of City mill, n Calvert st
Hartzel J. Black Horse Tavern, Penn avenue near Biddle st
Hartzog & Robinson, dry goods mts. 244 1/2 Baltimore st
Hartzog Geo. of firm, dw cor Sharp and Pratt sts
Harvey mrs Ann, Lexington e of Elm st or Market alley
Harvey Thomas, whip and collar maker, e side Greene st near
Fayette, dw 34 n Greene
Harvey Sarah, seamstress, w side Potter st s of Douglass
Harvey Joshua, blacksmith, Lombard st w of Amity st
Harvey James, dry goods mt. dw Lombard st w of Penn
Harvey Henry D. firm Hopkins, Brother &, Co. Lombard st. dw
Conway st w of Charles