KOSAXOWSKI, CHESTER G.: Letter, D. W. Snowden of House of Delegates to
Luther D. Jones, Jan. 19, 1876. Original. 1 sheet. Gift.
LEVY, LESTER S.: (1) Catalogue, Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc., Philip Straus Col-
lection, 1962. 1 volume. (2) 17 letters to and from Reverdy Johnson, 1834-
1869. Gift.
MARSHALL, MRS. NELLIE: Envelope postmarked Aug. 15 (ca. 1863?), Maryland.
McNELLY, MRS. J. O.: (1) "The Gaither Family of South River," by J. D. War-
field. Ms. Microfilm. 1 reel. (2) Notes on the Duval, Hyde, and Hopkins
families, and a sketch and description of the Hopkins Coat-of-Arms. Typed.
Microfilm. 1 reel. (3) Vital records of the Duckett and Clarke families.
Photostat. 6 pages. Copied from Duckett Bible. (4) Vital records of the
Stansbury family, 1803-1877. Photostat. 4 pages. Copied from Stansbury
Bible. Gift.
McWiLLIAMS, WILLIAM J.: Surveyors Notes of Land in Anne Arundel County,
c.1811-1813, 1842. Original. 32 pa&es. Gift.
NELKER, MRS. MARSHALL: Family charts, showing relationships among the Mulli-
kin, Nuthall, King, Sprigg, Howard, Plummer, Prather, Hifleary, Belt,
Bowie, Greenbury, Baldwin, Duvall, Ridgely, Hall, Welsh, Hopkins, Waters,
Anderson, Tydings, Woodward families. Prepared by William E. Plummer.
Photostats. 10 sheets. Gift.
NILES, EMORY H.: (1) Materials for the study of the Admiralty Court of Mary-
land, consisting of (a) typed transcripts of Admiralty Court minutes and
file papers, calendars or Admiralty Court records, typed excerpts from
printed sources, and a manuscript paper by Judge Niles on Maryland
Admiralty Courts; (b) Correspondence concerning Judge Nile's agreement
to edit a volume of Maryland Admiralty records. 1 box. (2) Inventory of
Federal Archives in the States, Series II: The Federal Courts, No. 19:
Maryland, (Baltimore, 1938) 1 copy; (3) Richard B. Morris, Early Amer-
ican Court Records: A Publication Program (Anglo-American Legal His-
tory, Series 1, Number 4, New York, 1941). 1 copy. Deposit.
NORTH CAROLINA Department of Archives and History: Debt of Mr. James Beverly
owed to Mr. Edward Abell, Jr., proved before Hugh Hopewell, Justice of
St. Mary's County, Jan. 5, 1769; certification that Hopewell is a justice
qualified to prove the account, signed by Benjamin Young, Clerk, St. Mary's
County Court, with county seal affixed, Jan. 6, 1769. Original. 2 sheets. Gift.
PARKER, MRS. CHARLES: Vital records of the Tayman, Garner, Parker families.
Photostat. 5 pages. Copied from Tayman Bible. Gift.
No. 9, 1963 Session memorializing the contribution of John Lewin Bums
to the Tercentenary of Talbot County. 1 sheet. Gift.
PEGGY STEW ART TEA PARTY CHAPTER, Maryland State Society, D.A.R.: Minutes,
1960-1962. 1 notebook. Deposit.
SPAFFORD, Miss BESSIE: Map of Caroline County, 1875, by John B. Isler. Photo-
stat. Gift.
WEATHERLY, GUY: McParlin Family Papers, 1763-1960. Includes papers of Wil-
liam Paris, 1763-1805; also correspondence of General Thomas McParlin,
U.S.A., before and during the Civil War. 9 boxes. Deposit.
Our library has continued to be the recipient of many new and
welcome additions. Some of these titles represent items which we re-
ceive regularly through gift, exchange, subscription, or purchase.