A Bibliography of Maryland Imprints
Folio broadside. Type enclosed in ornamental rule.
Leaf measures: 12 3/4 x 7 inches.
Evans, 19077.
383. OTTO, KENRICK. Eine grausame Geschichte, oder ein Lied von einem Morder, | Philip Bebel, |
welcher gewohnt hat in Maryland, nicht weit von Friedrich-Taun, an der | Pfeif-Kriek und hat
Ausgangs Aprils, 1785, | Seine Frau, welche schwanger war und 4 Kinder mit einer Axt erschlagen ...
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 151/2 x 11 1/2 inches.
A long poem telling of a man who murdered his wife and four children with an axe because he could not find enough
bread to feed them and then tried to commit suicide by cutting his throat. Neighbors, hearing the screams of the dying
family, came in time to capture the murderer and to bind up the slashes he had made in his throat before he bled to death.
He was removed to the Frederick jail and tried to end his life by tearing off the bandages but he was stopped by the jailor
who tied his hands. In a last desperate effort to end his life he beat his brains out on the stone walls of the jail.
This edition of the poem was not printed in Frederick, but was probably copied from the Frederick edition by a Lancaster
or Philadelphia printer.
Not in Evans.
384.———— Eine unerhorte That | Von einem Morder, genannt | Philip Beppel. | Melcher gewohnet
[sic] in Maryland, an der Pfeif-krieck, nicht weit von Friederichs-Taun, und hat im 1785 sten Jahre,
den yten Tag May, seine eigene | Frau, welche schwanger war, und 4 Kinder mit einer Axt ersch-
lagen ... | In ein Leid verfasset von Henrich Otto. | .....
Large folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 161/2 x 14 inches.
Same as number 383 with a few textual variants. This edition of the poem was not printed in Frederick. The type does
not correspond with the German type used by Bartgis at this time.
Not in Evans.
Rosenbach Company.
385. The | Pennsylvania, Delaware, | Maryland, and Virginia | Almanack | And | Ephemeris, | For
the Year of our Lord, | 1786; | .. [double rule] | Baltimore: | Printed and Sold, Wholesale and
Retail, by | M. K. Goddard, at the Post Office, in Market-street. [1785.]
12mo. [A]4, B2, C4, D2, E4, F4. 20 leaves.
Leaf measures: 7 x 41/2 inches.
Not in Evans.
386. [Poor Robin's Almanack, for the year of our Lord, 1786; being the second after bissextile, or
leap-year, and the tenth year of American independence. Frederick-Town: Printed by Matthias
Bartgis, 1785.]
Collation unknown.
Announced as just published in Maryland Chronicle, January 18, 1786.
Not in Evans.
No copy located.
387. ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. The following is the Draught of a proposed Act, submitted to public
Consideration, for Founding a College on the Western | Shore of this State, and for constituting the
same, together with Washington College on the Eastern Shore, into one University, by the Name
of | The University of Maryland. ] .... [Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, 1785.]