A Bibliography of Maryland Imprints
An interesting comparative statement giving for each county of Maryland the number of acres, the total assessment,
the average assessment per acre and the increase or decrease as compared to the previous year.
Evans, 18581.
320. Mary K. Goddard's | Pennsylvania, Delaware, | Maryland, and Virginia | Almanack | And |
Ephemeris, | For The Year Of Our Lord, | 1785; | ... [rule] | Baltimore: ] Printed and Sold, Whole-
sale and Retail, by | M. K. Goddard, at the Post Office, in Market-street. | [1784.]
lamo. [A]4, B2, C4, D2, E4, F4. 20 leaves. Page enclosed in double rule border.
No pagination.
Leaf measures: 6 7/14 x 4 inches.
For a discussion of the relation of this to William Goddard's almanac, number 362, see the biographical sketch of Mary
K. Goddard in Chapter Two.
Not in Evans or Sabin.
321. MARYLAND. An account of the gross and average value of the land in the | several counties of
this state, agreeably to the returns of | the commissioners of the tax in 1781 ... | A view of the
assessments of lands in the several counties of | this state, in the years 1781, 1782, and 1783, with
the dif- | ferent average valuations. | .... [Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, 1784.]
Folio broadside. Printed in two columns.
Leaf measures: 131 6/14 x 8 5/14 inches.
A detailed statement by counties of acreage, gross valuation, average valuation per acre for the years 1781-1783.
Evans, 18576.
322. ——— An | Act | Of The | General Assembly | Of The | State Of Maryland, | Entitled, | An
Act for making the river Susque- | hanna navigable from the line of this I state to tide water, |
[ornamental rule] | Annapolis: | Printed by Frederick Green | Printer to the State. | [1784.]
8vo. [Ap, B-C4. 10 leaves. First leaf blank.
Pages: [I]-17.
Leaf measures: 61/2 x 4 1/4 inches.
It was not uncommon for important laws to appear in separate form for the convenience of those interested. The text
of this act may be found in Hanson's Laws of Maryland.
Not in Evans or Sabin.
JW Garrett.
323. [ ———— An Act to appoint an intendant of the revenue. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer (who shall reside at Annapolis be appointed intend-
ant of the collection and expenditure of the public assessment and revenue, and all monies and
tobacco belonging to this State, for one year, to commence at the end of this session of Assembly.
.... Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, 1784.]
Folio. One leaf printed on both sides.
Evans, 18577.
No copy located.
324. [ ———— In Council, January 20, 1784. By his excellency William Paca esq; governor of Mary-
land, A Proclamation. Whereas definitive articles of peace and friendship between the United States
of America and his Britannic majesty, were concluded and signed at Paris on the third day of.
September 1783, by the plenipotentiaries of the said United States and of his said Britannic Majesty
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