A History of the Maryland Press, 1777-1790
Folio. Printed in three columns. Two leaves each number. Weekly on Friday.
Leaf measures: 16 x of inches.
J. A, Killen's name was added to the colophon on Oct. 31. Supplements of one leaf to Nos. 2,6(2), 9,11(2), 12, 21, 37-30.
Evans, 18017.
MdHS, EPFL. See Brigham, American Newspapers for other files.
300. The Maryland Journal | And | Baltimore Advertiser. | (Jan. 7-Dec. 30, 1783, being Nos. 488
to 581 of Vol. X) [Colophon:] Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard, at the Post-Office.
Folio. Printed in three columns. Two leaves each number, except Nos. 498, 500, 502, 504, 506, 508, 510, 512, 514, 516,
518, 520, 522, 524, 534. S36, 570, 576, 580, 581 which have one.
Leaf measures: 16 x 91/4 inches.
Supplements of one leaf to Nos. 489, 490,493-497, 503, 507, 509, 511, 515, 519, 523, 525, 534, 580. Beginning March 14
the paper appeared biweekly on Tuesday and Friday instead of weekly on Tuesday.
Evans, 18018.
MdHS (lacks Jun24, Dec19) EPFL (lacks Feb4, Feb7, Jul8, Jul22, Dec30 and several supplements.)
300a. [Engraved title page] Marylandischer Calender auf das Jahr 1784. | Friederich-stadt, Ged-
ruckt bey Matthias Bartgis. | [Printed title page:] Americanische | Hinckende Bot, | Calender |
Auf das 1784510 Jahr Christi, | ... Vornemlich nach dem Marylandischen Horizont berechnet; |
.., Zum Achten mal herausgegeben. | [double rule] | Friederich-Stadt, Gedruckt und zu finden bey
Matthias Bartgis. |... [1783.]
Sm. 4to. [A]4 B-D2. 10 leaves.
Leaf measures: 8 1/2 x 61/2 inches.
This is the eighth in the series of German almanacs printed by Bartgis. See number 81 for the fourth and number 105
for the fifth. The collation given for this almanac may be incomplete but ance there were no catch words at the bottom of
the pages, it is impossible to determine this for certain.
Not in Evans.
301. The Olive-Branch! | Baltimore, February 5. | Yesterday arrived the Schooner Harlequin,
Capt. White, in 14 | Days from St. Kitt's, by which we have the following impor- | tant Intelligence.
| ... [rule] 1 Baltimore: Printed and sold by M. K. Goddard, at the Post-Office. | [1783.]
Narrow folio broadside. Printed in two columns.
Leaf measures: 13 1/4 x 8 inches.
Contains an extract of a letter from St. Kitt's dated January 15,1783 containing the latest news of the peace negotiations.
Evans, 18076.
302. Peace, Liberty, and Independence. | Philadelphia, March 24, 1783. | His Most Christian
Majesty's Cutter the | Triumph, commanded by the Chevalier ] Duquesne, arrived this Morning ...
The Principal Articles of the Preliminaries | of the Peace, of the 20th of January, | 1783......[orna-
mental rule] | Baltimore: Printed and sold by M. K. Goddard, at the Post- | Office, in Market-
Street..... [Tuesday Night, March 25, 1783.]
Folio broadside. Printed in two columns.
Leaf measures: 13! x 8 inches.
The main points of the peace preliminaries are printed here with statements concerning their authenticity. This broadside
was printed at night, so great was the demand for the latest news.
Evans, 18235.