whom it appears to have been satisfactory, as their chairman reported
" an act to provide for making a new and complete map and a geo-
logical survey of this state. " This act was passed on the 25th of
February, 1834, and is in full as follows:
An Act to provide for making a new and complete Map and Geological
Survey of this State. 1
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Governor and Council be and they are hereby authorized and required
annually hereafter to appoint and commission a person of talents, integrity
and suitable scientific attainments as topographical engineer for the State
of Maryland; also to appoint and commission in like manner a competent
and suitable person as geologist for the State of Maryland, and the said
officers shall each receive in consideration of the faithful performance of
their respective duties, an annual salary of two thousand dollars, to be
paid as the salaries of the other civil officers of the state are or may be
directed to be paid.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the engineer to be
appointed as aforesaid, to proceed with all due and reasonable diligence
and care to collect the necessary information and make all the necessary
surveys and locations to enable him to make a perfect and complete map
of the state according to the plan and drawing prepared and submitted to
the Executive of the state by J. H. Alexander, Esq., under and in pursuance
of a resolution of the General Assembly, passed at the December session,
eighteen hundred and thirty-five, and the said engineer shall, as soon as
conveniently he can, make perfect and complete the said map.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the geologist to be
appointed as aforesaid, to make a complete and minute geological survey of
the whole state, commencing with that portion which belongs to the ter-
tiary order of geological formations, and with the southern division
thereof, and progressing regularly with the course of the waters of the
Potomac and Chesapeake through that region, and thence through the other
subdivisions of the state, with as much expedition and despatch as may be
consistent with minuteness and accuracy, and he shall prepare and lay
before the Legislature at the commencement of every session a detailed
account of all remarkable discoveries made and the progress of the work.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall further be the duty of the geologist
of the state, at those seasons not suited to the active prosecution of the
geological survey, to analyze and ascertain the qualities and properties of
all specimens of mineral substances or soils left at his office or residence
for that purpose by any citizen of the state, and taken from any portion
of the territory of the state.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the topographical
engineer to indicate upon the new map of the state the localities of val-
uable mineral deposits already known, or which may in the progress of
1 Laws of Maryland, 1833, Chapter 138, passed Feb. 25, 1834.