resolution, however, which was passed ten days later. The resolu-
tions are as follows:
Resolution relative to the State Map. 1
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Governor and Coun-
cil be, and they are hereby authorized to appoint a competent Engineer,
whose duty it shall be to examine and collect all the information, plats
and reports of surveys, for Canals or Rail Roads, or other public works,
which have been made by or under the authority of this State, or any
company incorporated by the State, or under the authority of the cor-
poration of Baltimore; and the said Engineer shall make and report to
the Governor and Council, before the next session of the General Assembly,
a plan and drawing1 for a complete map of Maryland, and such portions of
adjacent States as may be necessary to show the position of Maryland, in
reference to the great valleys and streams in her immediate vicinity, the
practicable routes for plans of internal improvement; and the said Engi-
neer shall make further examinations and surveys as shall be requisite,
for the purpose of exhibiting the prominent geographical and topographi-
cal features of the country; and also to collect such statistical information
as will be useful, and is generally exhibited on modern improved maps;
and the Governor and Council shall allow such reasonable compensation for
the services to be rendered, under this resolution, as in their judgment may
be just and reasonable.
Resolution relative to a Geological Survey. 1
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Governor and Coun-
cil be, and they are hereby authorized to appoint an assistant to the Engi-
neer to be appointed on the subject of a State Map, whose duty it shall
be to act in conjunction with said Engineer, and the said assistant shall
make the necessary geological researches, and report to the Governor and
Council before the next session of the General Assembly, upon the expedi-
ency, and probable cost of a Geological Survey of the State; and the Gov-
ernor and Council shall allow such compensation for the services to be
rendered under this resolution, as in their judgment they may deem just
and proper.
In accordance with these resolutions the Governor of Maryland
appointed J. H. Alexander, Engineer, and J. T. Ducatel, Geologist.
They together visited each county, gaining much geographical and
geological information concerning the state, which they presented in
a joint report to the General Assembly the following year. That
report was referred to the Committee on Internal Improvement, to
1 Laws of Maryland, 1832, Resolution No. 48, passed March 6, 1833.
2 Laws of Maryland, 1832, Resolution No. 61, passed March 16.