The bounds and limits of the said town shall be described in
plats and certificates thereof, to be prepared by a surveyor,
named by the Commissioners of Grasonville, and filed and re-
corded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for
Queen Anne's County. Furthermore, the bounds and limits of
the town of Grasonville may be by the Commissioners of said
town from time to time enlarged and extended so as to take in
and incorporate with said town portions of the circumjacent
territory, and the bounds and limits of said town, as enlarged
and extended to meet the requirements of the growth and
expansion thereof, in the judgment and discretion of the
said Commissioners, shall be appropriately marked by stones or
other fixed landmarks, and shall be described in plats and cer-
tificates thereof, to be prepared by a surveyor named by the
Commissioners of Grasonville, and filed and recorded in the
Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Queen Anne's
The said Commissioners shall have the power to order the
condemnation of land and property for the opening, widening,
altering and straightening of streets, lanes, alleys and foot-
ways within the said town limits.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That all persons of
twenty-one years of age and upwards, owning property in said
town and who shall have resided in said town for the
period of one year previous to any election for town com-
missioners, being of twenty-one years of age and upwards
and who shall be qualified to vote for delegates to the General
Assembly of Maryland, shall be entitled to vote for town com-
missioners, provided, they are taxpayers on property located
or held in said town, and any resident property holder and tax-
payer in said town, with property assessed at $500.00, of
twenty-one years and upwards, qualified to vote for delegates
to the General Assembly as aforesaid, shall be qualified to hold
the office of town commissioner, and the first election for town
commissioners under this law shall be held on the first Monday
in June, nineteen hundred and forty-seven, or as soon there-
after as may be convenient. At the aforementioned first election
three commissioners shall be elected, and they shall serve as
follows, to wit: the candidate receiving the highest number of
votes shall serve for a period of three years; the candidate re-
ceiving the second highest number of votes shall serve for a
period of two years and the one receiving the third highest
number of votes shall serve for a period of one year. There-
after each year one new Commissioner shall be elected at the
annual town election to serve for a period or term of three
years. It is hereby further provided that the town commission-
ers so elected at any election shall accept the oath of office im-