[Ch. 837]
reasonable and timely notice to his employer, to be fixed by the
terms of this contract, of any accident which may entitle him to
the benefit of such insurance; and that he shall submit himself
to medical examination as required by the employer at the
employer's expense.
SEC. 8. The contract may provide that the premium pay-
able by the employees shall be deducted from their wages.
An employer who shall wilfully and feloniously appropriate
the amounts so deducted from the wages to any use other than
the payment of insurance premium as stipulated in the contract,
shall be guilty of embezzlement and shall be punished accord-
SEC. 9. The contract between the employer and employee
may provide that the insurance premiums shall be paid into the
hand's of a treasurer to be elected or appointed by the employees
or by the employer and the employees in such manner and
under such voting arrangement as the contract may specify.
The payment of the premiums to the treasurer shall relievo
the employer, and the penalty above prescribed for misappropri-
ation of the funds required to be applied to insurance shall
apply to such treasurer.
SEC. 10. In case of non-payment of the premiums within
one month after the same are payable, the insurance company
shall within two months after the expiration of such month send
notice of such default by mail to the insured and to the Insur-
ance Commissioner of the State.
The insurance policy or contract between the employer and
employee may specify a shorter period than the one herein pro-
vided for.
Until the required notice shall have been sent, the policy
shall not be forfeited for non-payment of the premium.
SEC. 11. The employer may also advance the premiums of
insurance for such number of employees and at such rates aa
may be agreed upon between him and the insurance company,
and may thereupon be supplied by the insurance company with
blank policies to be filled in by him with name of any beneficiary
under the provisions of this act, and to be executed by him as
agent of such company, and he may thereupon reimburse him-
self for the amounts payable by the employee by deducting the
same from the wages of such employee.
SEC. 12. Such contract may provide that upon termination
of his employment from any cause whatever the employee and
his dependent shall cease to be entitled to the benefits of such