By Benjamin Harris, Sheriff of Calvert county, for 1819, 20 , and 21 ....... ...... ........ ........ .
George Semmes, Sheriff of Prince George's county, for 1827........... .......... .......... ..........
Standish Barry, Sheriff of Baltimore county, for 1827 ......................................................
Edward Belt, Sherif of Prince George's county for 1828 '29 and '30....................................
Henry L, Harrison. Sheriff of Calvert county, for 1833. .........................................................
Thomas Bruce. Sheriff of Prince George's county, for 1831, '32 and 33...............................
Henry S. Sanderson, Sheriff of Baltimore county, for 1836. ...............................................
Preston McComas, Sheriff of Harford county, for 1835 and '36, ........ ............ ....... ......
Richard R. Waters, Sheriff of Montgomerry county, for 1836 ..............................................
Thomas Baldwin Sheeriff of Prince .George's county, for 1834, '35 and 36. ............................
Thomas Dowden,Sheriff of Allegany county, for 1839. .................... .............................
'lichae 1\ Portey, Sheriff of Allegany counly, for 1840. .. ............ ....................... ........
John M Carlton, Sheriff of Allegany county, for 1841 and '42. ....... .............................
Richard E.Ireland, Sheriff of Calvert county, for 1841 and '42... .................................
Edward R. Wheeler, Sheriff of Charles county, for 1841 and '42...........................................
George W. Morgan, Sheriff.of St. Mary's county, 1842 ......................................................
Thomas Keller, Sheriff of Washington county, for 1842. . ...... ...................................
John Jump, Sheriff of Caroline county, for 1844 and '45........................................... |
366 80
286 60
1919 62
220 01
249 06
4,349 '59
467 99
197 50
16 91
275 70
25 67
1 98
897 33
228 00
385 00
48 50
501 81
419 85 |