314 /Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
amendments for the Medical Care Policy Admini-
Edward Wollman, Chief
(410) 225-1463
The Division of Eligibility Services was started
in 1978. The Division establishes and maintains the
regulatory base upon which eligibility for the Medi-
cal Assistance Program is determined statewide.
This responsibility is met within the framework of
the overall Medicaid Eligibility System which in-
cludes but is not limited to regulations and policies
of the federal program and Department of Health
and Mental Hygiene; State and local operations of
the Department of Human Resources which deter-
mines eligibility through its local departments of
social services; and the management of the Medical
Assistance Program within the Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene.
Douglas C. Sommers, Chief
(410) 225-6764
Created in July 1987, the Division of Aging
Services helps health-impaired elderly persons in
their homes and communities, thus avoiding costly
long-term institutional care. The Division develops,
administers, coordinates, and monitors the pro-
gram; reviews grants, funding provider agreements,
and regulations; and provides technical assistance
to provider agencies and organizations. The Divi-
sion oversees Adult Day Care, Geriatric Evaluation
Services, Statewide Evaluation and Planning Serv-
ices, Preadmission Screening, and Annual Resident
Mary C. Corddry, Chief
(410) 225-5220
The Division of Program Services was initiated
in July 1987. The Division offers technical assis-
tance to other divisions in the Medical Care Policy
Administration. The Division helps them identify
new fund sources; analyze the need and feasibility
for new or expanded services; review alternatives
for complying with legislative mandates, regula-
tions, and enrollee and provider needs.
Carol Benner, Director
201 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 764-2750
Maryland Manual 1994-1995
The Licensing and Certification Administration
originated in 1971 as the Division of Licensing and
Certification under the Office of General Admini-
stration and was reorganized in 1986 as the Office
of Licensing and Certification Programs. In 1987,
the Office was reformed as the Licensing and Cer-
tification Administration.
The Administration licenses all hospitals and
health-related institutions in Maryland. The Ad-
ministration also is responsible for inspection and
certification recommendations for all health facili-
ties participating in the Medical Assistance Program
(Medicaid) and in Medicare. The Administration
initiates administrative action against facilities that
violate State rules and regulations.
The Administration consists of two programs:
Long-Term Care, Community Mental Health and
Substance Abuse Programs; and Hospitals and
Ambulatory Care.
Gene Heisler, Deputy Director
(410) 764-2770
The Long-Term Care Program was reorganized
in 1992 as Long-Term Care, Community Mental
Health and Substance Abuse Programs. These Pro-
grams regulate nursing homes, domiciliary care
homes, day care for the elderly, and community-
based treatment programs for the mentally ill and
substance abusers. They also investigate unlicensed
domiciliary care homes.
William H. Dorrill, Deputy Director
(410) 764-4980
The Hospitals and Ambulatory Care Program
regulates hospitals, major medical equipment, risk
management, and physician credentialling, as well
as health maintenance organizations, home health
agencies, State hospitals, health care facilities in
correctional institutions, and community-based
treatment programs for the developmentally dis-
abled. The Program also surveys federal programs
for compliance with Medicare regulations. These
programs cover end-stage renal dialysis, inde-
pendent and outpatient physical therapists, com-
prehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities,
ambulatory surgical centers, rural health clinics, and
portable X-ray units.
The Complaint and Quality Assurance Unit in-
vestigates all complaints about any health-related
facility. The Unit also monitors the quality of nurs-
ing, sanitation, and dietary services.