324/Maryland Manual
Composed of fifteen members, the Board is ap-
pointed by the Governor. The Board includes ten
licensed physicians in active practice recommended by
the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of
Maryland (State Medical Society). One member is a
practicing licensed physician appointed at the
Governor's discretion. One member, nominated by
the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, repre-
sents the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Two consumer members are appointed with Senate
advice and consent. One consumer member,
nominated by the Maryland Hospital Association,
must be knowledgeable in risk management or quality
assurance. The initial term for a consumer member is
three years. Other members serve four-year terms. The
Governor designates a physician member as chairper-
son. Authorization for the Board continues until July
1,1993 (Code Health Occupations Article, sees. 14-
101 through 14-802).
Robert M. Duggan, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor: Ralph M. Coan, M.D.;
Dianne M. Connelly, Ph.D.; Warren M. Ross,
M.D.; Grace Wong.
Established in 1982, the Acupuncture Advisory
Council advises the State Board of Physician
Quality Assurance on the adoption of rules and
regulations governing the licensing of
acupuncturists and the performance of acupuncture
in the State (Chapter 644, Acts of 1982).
The Council consists of five members appointed
by the Governor. Of these, two are licensed
physicians and three are acupuncturists who are not
licensed physicians (Code Health Occupations Ar-
lidc, sec. 14-605).
]. Andrew Sumner, M.D., Chairperson
Appointed by State Board of Physician Quality
Assurance: Ira N. Brechner, M.D.; William E.
Hathaway; Ameen I. Ramzy, M.D., F.A.C.S.;
Ronald Schaefer; John D. Stafford, M.D.
The Emergency Medical Services Advisory
Committee was created in 1990. The Committee
advises the Scare Board of Physician Quality As-
surance on matters regarding the certification of
and regulations governing cardiac rescue tech-
nicians and emergency medical technician-
paramedics. The Committee also advises the Board
on matters related to the provision of prehospital
advanced life support, including quality assurance,
standards of practice, and treatment protocols.
Peter E. Dans, Chairperson
Appointed by State Board of Physician Quality
Assurance: Bernard S. Kleiman, M.D.; Reynaldo L.
Lee-Llacer, M.D.; Christine J. Moore.
The Licensure Committee was formed in 1990.
The Committee reviews and revises regulations and
procedures affecting all aspects of initial licensure,
renewal, and reinstatement of medical practicioners
in Maryland.
Lawrence A. Jones, M.D., Chairperson
Appointed by State Board of Physician Quality Assurance:
Robert K. Brooldand.M.D.; RichardL. Gilbert, R-T;
Robert R. Hiscock, R-T; Harry Knipp, M.D.; James
K. Langan; Robert Litwin; David C. Moses, M.D.
The Medical Radiation and Nuclear Medical
Technology Advisory Committee was organized in
1990. The Committee reviews and makes recom-
mendations to the State Board of Physician Quality
Assurance on all applications for certification of
nuclear medical technologists and medical radiation
technologists. Any complaints referred by the
Board against medical radiation technologists or
nuclear medical technologists are investigated by
the Committee. The Committee also makes recom-
mendations to the Board regarding regulations
governing nuclear medical technologists and medi-
cal radiation technologists and on matters related
to the practice of medical radiation technology and
nuclear medical technology
John T. Lynn, M.D., Chairperson
Appointed by State Board of Physician Quality
Assurance: Claude D. Hill, M.D.; Bernard S.
Kleinman, M.D.
The Medical Specialty Committee was estab-
lished in 1989. The Committee formulates new
regulations concerning criteria for specialty desig-
nation of physicians.
John D. Stafford, M.D., Chairperson
Appointed by State Board of Physician Quality
Assurance: Katherinc Kaminski; Alfred G.
Matthews, Jr.; William G. Reisz; Robert Solomon;
J. B. Zachary, M.D.; David J. Zajano, M.D.