non of the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene
Three are licensed speech language pathologists
with paid work expenence in speech-language
pathology for at least five years and approval by the
Maryland Speech-Language-Heanng Association
One is a licensed audiologist with paid work ex-
penence in audiology for at least five years and
approval by the Maryland Speech-Language-Hear-
ing Association One must be a physician licensed
to practice medicine in Maryland with a certificate
of qualification from the American Board of
Otolaryngology One must be a consumer who has no
training or financial interest in the field of speech lan
guage pathology Authorization for the Board con-
tinues unol July 1,1994 (Code Health Occupations
Article, sees 19-101 through 19-502)
John M Krager, M D , M P H , Chairperson
Florence Fenton, Ed D , Vice-Chairperson
c/o Baltimore County Health Department
401 Bosley Ave
Towson, MD 21204 887-2717
The Maryland State School Health Council was
created informally by the State Department of
Health and the State Department of Education in
the 1950s Formally reorganized in 1966, the
Council advises the Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene and the State Department of
Education on the school health program The
Council helps develop and maintain programs to
provide a healthful school environment, health and
safety instruction, and school health services It also
serves as a forum for the two State departments,
their local counterparts, and other groups con-
cerned with the health of school-age children
The general body of the Council includes two
representatives appointed by each of the twenty-
four local health and education departments The
Executive Board consists of five elected members of
the general body and representatives of State and
local government health and education agencies,
medical associations, and education organizations
Israel H Weiner, M D , Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair)
Frank A Gunther, Jr , 1991, Claude David Hill,
M D , 1991, ReynaldoL Lee-Llacer, M D , 1991,
J Andrew Sumner, M D , 1991, Peter E Dans,
M D , 1992; Bernard S Kleiman, M D , 1992, Ira
N Brecher, M D, 1993; Lawrence Alan Jones,
M D, 1993; Sheila K Riggs, 1993; Harvey B
Kahn, M D , 1994; John T Lynn, M D , 1994,
Department of Health & Mental Hygiene/323
Christine J Moore, 1994, John Franklin Strahan,
M D , 1994, one vacancy
J Michael Compton, Acting Executive Director
4201 Patterson Ave
Baltimore, MD 21215-2299 764-4777
In Maryland, authority to hcense physicians was
first granted to the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty
of the Stare of Maryland in their charter (Chapter
105, Acts of 1798) From 1798 to 1838, the Facul-
ty examined candidates, issued licenses upon pay-
ment of a fee, and prosecuted unlicensed doctors
The pennons of botanic medical pracnnoners in-
fluenced the legislature to pass a law in 1838 allow-
ing any person to collect fees for medical services
performed (Chapter 30, Acts of 1838), which ef
fecnvely ended the licensing of doctors unnl 1888
The State Board of Health then licensed all
physicians (Chapter 429, Acts of 1888) In 1892, two
Boards of Medical Examiners earned on this function
One represented the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty
and the other the State Homeopathic Society (Chap-
ter 296, Acts of 1892) The General Assembly in 1957
abolished the Homeopathic Board and provided for
the State Board of Medical Examiners to regulate the
pracnce ofmediane In 1988, the Board was replaced
by the State Board of Physiaan Quality Assurance
(Chapter 109, Acts of 1988) Certain functions of the
Commission on Medical Discipline in Maryland were
assigned to the Board in 1988
The Board tests and licenses physicians to prac-
Oce medicine in the State For certain causes, the
Board may revoke the license of any physician
Candidates for licenses must be graduates of medi-
cal schools approved by the American Medical As-
sociation and the Association of American Medical
Colleges or of foreign medical schools that offer an
equivalent education All graduates of foreign
medical schools who apply must pass the examina-
tion given by the Educational Council for Foreign
Medical Graduates The Board determines
qualifications for practice by the FLEX examination
(Federal Licensing Examination), endorsement of
licenses obtained in a reciprocating state, or endor-
sement of a certificate of the National Board of
Medical Examiners FLEX examinations are held in
June and December of each year
The Board also regulates the unlicensed practice
of medicine by physicians' assistants, psychiatrists'
assistants, cardiac rescue technicians, aviation
trauma technicians, medical practitioners,
acupuncturists, medical radiation technologists,
and nuclear medical technologists in approved
medical training programs
Since 1967 the Board has licensed certain os-
teopaths on the basis of endorsement, depending
upon qualifications (Code Health Occupations Ar-
ticle, sec 14-310)