490/Maryland Manual
JoAnne Leatherman ..............
Terry Poole ....................
Kenneth E. Wisner ...............
Dr. George D. Wood .............
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
John F. Thompson, Jr., District
Coordinator ..................
Owen C. Unangest, District
Conservationist ................
Richard L. Grossnickle, County
Commissioner, ex officio ..........
Frederick District:
George A. Nicholson, Chairperson ..... 1980
Raymond E. Keilholtz, ^ice-Chairperson .1981
Frances Barnes, Treasurer ........... 1982
Paul Spurrier .................... 1983
Ellis C. Hood, (County appointee) .....
Catoctin District:
Henry D. Lakin, Sr., Chairperson ...... 1982
Richard R. Holter, ^ice-Chairperson .... 1983
Bertram Enfield, Treasurer .......... 1981
Daniel C. Poole .................. 1984
Wilmer H. Keller (County appointee) . . .
Dr. George Wood, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting) ............
County Seat: Oakland 21550
Origin: Created from Allegany County by Chap-
ter 212, Acts of 1872.
Name: The county was named for John Work
Garrett (1820-1884), railroad executive, indus-
trialist, and financier.
Form of Government: County Commissioners
County Code: See Code of the Public Local Laws
of Garrett County (1971).
Population, 1980 (preliminary count):
Garrett County .................. 25,856
Dist. 1, Swanton ................. 1,199
Dist. 2, Priendsville and Selbysport .... 1,848
Dist. 3, Grantsville ............... 2,922
Dist. 4, Bloomington ............... 933
Dist. 5, Accident ................. 1,321
Dist. 6, Sang Run ................ 1,644
Dist. 7, East Oakland ............. 1,751
Dist. 8, Ryans Glade .............. 1,710
Dist. 9, Johnsons ................ 1,083
Dist. 10, Deer Park ............... 1,433
Dist. 11, The Elbow ............... 191
Dist. 12, Bittinger ................. 811
Dist. 13, Kitzmillersville ............ 834
Dist. 14, West Oakland ............ 4,311
Dist. 15, Avilton .................. 527
Dist. 16, Mountain Lake Park ....... 3,308
Area: 668 sq. miles
Circuit Court
Oakland 21550 Telephone: 334-2543
District Court
471 North 3rd St.
Oakland 21550 Telephone: 334-8164
Court Terms:
Circuit Court—Grand Jury, second Monday in
March and September; Petit Jury, fourth Mon-
day in March and September.
Orphans' Court Days—Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. to
12:00 noon.
Circuit Court Resident Judge
Frederick A. Thayer III ............ 1993
Circuit Court Clerk
Clifford C. DeWitt ............... 1982
District Court Judge
Lewis R. Jones, Administrative Judge ... 1981
James S. Stafford, Administrative Clerk . .
Geraldine Knox, Clerk .............
Orphans' Court Judges
Wilmer W. Margraff, Chief Judge 1982
Harian Dale Dewitt ............... 1982
William H. Welch ................ 1982
Register of Wills
Joseph P. DiSimone .............. 1982