464/Maryland Manual
Walter R. Haile .................. 1983
Edward A. DeWaters, Jr. ........... 1991
Paul E. Alpert ................... 1993
William R. Buchanan .............. 1993
Austin W. Brizendine, Sr. ........... 1995
Cullen H. Hormes ................ 1995
James H. Langrell ................ 1982
Circuit Court Clerk
Elmer H. Kahline, Jr. .............. 1982
Administrative Office of the Circuit Court"
Eugene Creed, Administrator of the Court
District Court Judges
William T. Evans, Administrative Judge . . 1982
Edward D. Hardesty .............. 1981
J. William Hinkel ................. 1981
James E. Kardash ................ 1981
Werner G. Schoeler ............... 1981
Fred E. Waldrop ................. 1981
David N. Bates .................. 1985
John P. Rellas ................... 1986
Gerard W. Wittstadt .............. 1986
John F. FaderII ................. 1987
William S. Baldwin ................ 1988
John Henry Gamier ............... 1990
Joseph T. O'Melia, Administrative Clerk
Orphans' Court Judges
Suzanne Mensh, Chic/Judge ......... 1982
T. Burgess Hamilton, Sr. ............ 1982
Alexander B. Page, Jr. ............. 1982
Register of Wills
Peter J. Basilone ................. 1982
Charles H. Hickey, Jr. ............. 1982
State's Attorney
Sandra Ann O'Connor ............. 1982
District Public Defender
Paul J. Feeley ..................
County Office Building
Towson 21204 Telephone: 494-3196
Meeting Days: First and third Mondays, 7:30 P.M.
County Executive
Donald P. Hutchinson ............. 1982
'' Created in 1967 by administrative order of the County Coun-
Executive Secretary
James W. Folk ..................
Administrative Assistants
Adrienne A. Jones ...............
Harold E. Long .................
Judith M. Sussman ...............
Lynn J. Yates ...................
Pat Kirkner, Appointments Secretary . . .
County Council
Norman W. Lauenstein, Chairperson,
Dist. 5 ...................... 1982
Ronald B. Hickernell, Dist. 1 ........ 1982
Gary Huddles, Dist. 2 ............. 1982
James T. Smith, Jr., Dist. 3 ......... 1982
Barbara F. Bachur, Dist. 4 .......... 1982
Eugene W. Gallagher, Dist. 6 ........ 1982
John W. O'Rourke, Dist. 7 .......... 1982
Thomas Toporovich, Secretary and
Administrative Assistant ...........
Herbert W. Wirts ................
County Administrative Officer
B. Melvin Cole ..................
Honora Freeman, Executive Secretary . .
Board of Appeals
Walter A. Reiter, Jr., Chairperson ..... 1982
William T. Hackett ............... 1982
John A. Miller .................. 1982
Patricia E. Millhouser ............. 1982
John V. Murphy ................. 1982
LeRoy B. Spurrier ................ 1982
Office of Finance
Randolph B. Rosencrantz, Director ....
Of fice of the Budget
Stanley Guild, Jr., Director ..........
Supervisor of Assessments
Kenneth Robbins ................
Board of Supervisors of Elections
Donald K. Wakefield, President ...... 1981
Robert J. Seidel, Sr., Vice-President .... 1981
Joseph N. Karey, Secretary .......... 1981
Solomon Nathaniel Hoke, substitute .... 1981
Raymond P. Maher, substitute ....... 1981