County Agencies
Financial Disclosure Advisory Board
Margaret Sader, Chairperson ........
Wage Commission
Zeiig Robinson, Chairperson ........
Joseph A. Bush, Director ...........
Art Commission
William D. Schaefer, Mayor, Chairman,
ex officio ....................
Margaret Daiss, Executive Secretary . . .
Vemon Wiesand, Chairperson ........
Baltimore Museum of Art
Caiman J. Zamoiski, Jr., President, Board
of Trustees ...................
Arnold Lehman, Director ..........
Ann Boyce Harper, Assistant Director for
Administration ................
Brenda Richardson, Assistant Director for
Art ........................
Municipal Museum of the City of Baltimore
(Peale Museum)
George D. Hubbard, President, Board of
Trustees .....................
Dennis K. McDaniel, Executive Director
Walters Art Gallery
Jay M. Wilson, President, Board of
Trustees .....................
Francis D. Mumaghan, Jr., Chairperson,
Board of Trustees ..............
Richard H. Randall, Jr., Director .....
City of Baltimore Fire Museum
Vacancy, President, Board of Trustees . .
Tony Wayte Kunas, Curator ........
Enoch Pratt Free Library
James A. Gary, President, Board of
Trustees .....................
Ernest Siegel, Director .............
County Seat: Towson 21204
Origin: The legal origin of Baltimore County is
not known, but it was in existence by January
12, 1659/60 when a writ was issued to the
sheriff of the county.
Name: The name of this county like that of
Baltimore City, derives from the Proprietary's
Irish Barony.
Form of Government: Charter (1956)
Baltimore County/463
County Code: See Baltimore County Code (1978)
with supplements.
Population, 1980 (preliminary count):
Baltimore County ................ 644,465
Dist. 1 ....................... 61,356
Dist. 2 ....................... 64,283
Dist. 3 ....................... 38,800
Dist. 4 ....................... 36,586
Dist. 5 ........................ 3,938
Dist. 6 ........................ 3,272
Dist. 7 ........................ 5,612
Dist. 8 ....................... 46,050
Dist. 9 ....................... 97,864
Dist. 10 ....................... 7,537
Dist. 11 ...................... 38,559
Dist. 12 ...................... 60,382
Dist. 13 ...................... 36,712
Dist. 14 ...................... 41,850
Dist. 15 ..................... 101,664
Area: 638 sq. miles
Circuit Court:
County Courts Building
401 Bosley Avenue
Towson 21204 Telephone: 494-3100
District Court:
111 Alleghany Ave.
Towson 21204 Telephone: 321-3300
Court Terms:
Circuit Court—Grand Jury and Petit Jury, sec-
ond Monday in January, May, and September.
Orphans' Court Days—Monday through Friday,
10 a.m.- 12:00 noon.
Circuit Court Resident Judges
John E. Raine, Jr., Chief Judge ....... 1987
Frank E. Cicone, Administrative Judge . . 1989
James S. Sfekas .................. 1982