County Agencies
Social Services Board
Jacquiline Wingate,
Chairperson .....................1980
Franklin Evans ..................1979
Richard G. Hubbard .............. .1979
Alpheius W. Tolley ............... .1979
Louise Bromwell .................1980
Elaine Adams ...................1981
Doris W. Phillips ................ .1981
Director of Social Services
Jeanne Cook ...................
Commission on the Aging
James Michael, Chairperson .........
Planning & Zoning Commission
Edward Watkins, Chairperson .........1982
Fred Eberspacher, Jr. ............. .1979
Harold Eskridge ..................1981
Paul Lewis .....................1981
James Handley ...................1982
Michael DuBuque .................1983
T. Sewell Hubbert ............... .1983
Mary Sue Hurst ..................1983
Hobert D. Adams, Executive
Secretary ......................
Board of Appeals
Warren MeWilliams, Chairperson ......1981
James B. Richardson .............. .1979
Everett Simmons, Jr................1979
Ernest Suhr .....................1979
James R. Jones .................. .1980
Board of Recreation & Parks
(Appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners as per Chapter 499, Acts
of 1963)
Harold E. Carr, Jr„ Director ........
Sanitary Commission
William Messick, Chairperson ........ .1984
Glen Robinson ...................1980
Louis E. C. Curen, Jr. ............. .1982
Roads Board
County Commissioners ex officio .....
Roads Engineer
Elvin Thomas ..................
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
Board of County Commissioners ......
Liquor Control Board
C. Rutledge Turner ............... .1979
Charles Payne ...................1980
Earl Abey ......................1982 |
Dorchester County/479
Extension Agents
Delories L. Dixon ................
Betsy Gallagher..................
Geraldine E. Hammond ........
Connie Mauro ..................
Don Schwartz ...................
L. Ronald Wade .................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
S. Herbert Asplen, (County appointee)
Chairperson ....................
Guy Steele Phillips ............... 1979
Oliver Harding, Sr. ............... 1980
Dr. Lamar Green .. ... 1981
Calvin Malkus .................. 1981
L. Ronald Wade, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting)..............
County Seat: Frederick 21701
Origin: Created by Chapter 15, Acts of 1748,
from Baltimore and Prince George's counties.
Name: Probably named after Frederick Calvert
(1731-1771), sixth and last Lord Baltimore.
/^^ ^^\
Form of Government: County Commissioners
Population, 1970:
Frederick County ................. 84,927
Dist. 1, Buckeystown ............. .2,654
Dist. 2, Frederick ............... 25,908
Dist. 3, Middletown ...............2,897
Dist. 4, Creagerstown .............. 1,140
Dist. 5, Emmitsburg .............. 5,428
Dist. 6, Catoctin ................. 1,262
Dist. 7, Urbana .................. 3,014
Dist. 8, Liberty .................. 1,257
Dist. 9, New Market ............. .4,904
Dist. 10, Hauvers ................ 2,053
Dist. 11, Woedsboro ............. .2,127
Dist. 12, Petersville ............... 1,592
Dist. 13, Mount Pleasant ........... 1,556
Dist. 14, Jefferson ................ 1,311 |