charged a Lieutenant Colonel. Chairman of Republican State Central
Committee of Maryland 1948 to 1951. Married. He was a member of
the House of Delegates 1939-1942. Elected to the Senate in 1946.
LOUIS T. HOFFERBERT, Democrat, Baltimore 1st; born in Baltimore,
December 4, 1906. Attended Sacred Heart School. President and
Manager of New Highland Bowling Alleys. Married. Appointed to
the Senate in 1947.
JOHN E. JEWELL, Democrat, Kent County; born in Lynch, Kent
County, June 18, 1914. Attended the public schools of Kent County.
He is a grain, farm equipment and automobile dealer. He served as
a member of the Kent County School Building Commission, 1946.
Member Legislative Council. Married. Elected to the Senate in 1950.
ROBERT B. KIMBLE, Republican, Allegany County; born at Williams-
port, Washington County, Maryland, October 2, 1903. Elected to the
House of Delegates in 1932. Married. Elected to the Senate in 1934.
ANDERS R. LOFSTRAND, JR., Republican, Montgomery County; born
in Washington, D. C., December 7, 1912. Attended public schools in
the District of Columbia, George Washington University and Wash-
ington and Lee University. Manufacturer and Inventor; Secretary-
Treasurer of the Lofstrand Company. Member Elks, Columbia
Historical Society, Maryland Historical Society, National Geographic
Society, Board of Trade, Director of Citizens Building and Loan
Association. Member of the Legislative Council 1947-1953. Married.
Member of the House of Delegates 1946-1952. Appointed to the
Senate in 1952.
DAVID K. MCLAUGHLIN, Republican, Washington County; born at
Chambersburg, Pa., October 17, 1905. Attended the public schools of
Washington County and the Dickinson School of Law, graduating in
1928; admitted to the Bar the same year. From 1942 to 1946 he
served with the U. S. Naval Air Force holding the rank of Lt. Com-
mander. He is a former Chairman of the Republican State Central
Committee of Washington County. Member Legislative Council.
Married. Elected to the Senate in 1946.
D. PAUL McNABB, Democrat, Harford County; born in Mill Green,
Harford County, June 10, 1895. Attended Harford County public
schools. Delta (Pa.) High School and Baltimore Law School. Admitted
to the Maryland Bar in 1926. President Harford County Bar Asso-
ciation 1947-1948, Past President Bel Air Lions Club. Former member
of Co. D, Maryland National Guard, State's Attorney for Harford
County 1935-1951. Married. Elected to the Senate in 1950.
FREDERICK C. MALKUS, JR., Democrat, Dorchester County; born in
Baltimore, July 1, 1913. Graduate of Western Maryland College and
the Law School of the University of Maryland. Member of the Bar.
Served with the First Army in Europe during World War II.
Unmarried. Member House of Delegates 1946-1950. Elected to the
Senate in 1950.
RALPH L. MASON, Democrat, Worcester County. Born Snow Hill,
May 18, 1896. Attended public schools of Worcester County and
Beacom Business College, Salisbury. Canner, banker, farmer. Mason.
Married. Appointed to the Senate in 1952.
BERNARD S. MELNICOVE, Democrat, Baltimore 4th; born in Wash-
ington, D. C., September 2, 1911. Attended the public schools of
Baltimore City, Baltimore City College, and the University of Balti-
more, graduating in 1932. Admitted to the Bar in 1933. Justice of
the Peace, Baltimore, 1935-1938. Member Commission to Revise the
Corporation Laws, 1952; Member House of Delegates 1938-1950.
Married. Elected to the Senate in 1950.