net, the number and the person in whose name the same may
have been inspected, of all tobacco which may have remained in
his warehouse for the space of four years, the owners whereof
are unknown to the inspector ; and if the owner of such to-
bacco shall not apply for the same within six months from
the date of such advertisement, and pay the warehouse charges
due on said tobacco, and the cost of advertisement, it shall be
the duty of the inspector to sell the same at public sale; and
the several inspectors shall annually account with and pay to
the levy court the amount which they may have received for
any tobacco sold as aforesaid, for the use of the county.
Owners ap-
plying for
same within
one year to
be allowed
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if the owner of any tobacco
sold as aforesaid, shall within one year from the sale thereof,
satisfy the levy court of the county wherein the same may have
been sold, that the tobacco so sold was his right and property,
the said levy court shall at the time of laying the next county
levy, assess and levy on said county for the use of the said
owner, the principal sum which the said levy court may have
received for such tobacco, deducting therefrom the warehouse
charges due thereon, together with the costs of advertising.
AN ACT to alter the times of the holding of the Court of Appeals, and
for other purposes.
Repealed by 1828, ch. 182.
AN ACT to continue in force the Acts of Assembly which would expire
with the present session.
*1814, ch.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all
such acts and parts of acts of assembly as would expire with
the present session, except a further supplement* to the act, en-
titled, an act for regulating the mode of staying executions, and
repealing the acts of assembly therein mentioned, and for other
purposes, be and the same are hereby continued until the twen-
tieth day of November next, and until the end of the next ses-
sion of assembly which shall happen thereafter.
*1802, ch.
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT,* entitled, an Act to Incoiporate certain per-
sons in every Christian Church or Congregation in this State.
See notes to the original act, ante page 476.
society in-
rights and
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That every Christian church or society or congregation, that is
now or shall hereafter be incorporated in virtue of the act, enti-
tled, an act to incorporate certain persons in every Christian
church or congregation in this state, passed at November ses-