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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1687-1689
Volume 91, Page 131   View pdf image (33K)
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June the 13th: 1689 = 131
John Jones plt: Decl read
agt: Came both parties and by Mutuall Consent have agreed -
Robt: Simpson deft:

William Burch - plt: The Deft: not appeareing Ordered that the
agt: Sheriff take him in Custody and him Safely keep
William Morris deft: if found in his Bayliwick Soe that he has his
body before our Justices of our Next County Court
To be hold on the Second Tuesday in August Next

n:st: Ambrose Archer plt: Sumrsett County Ss Walter Talburt of this
agt: County was attached unto Answer unto Ambrose
Walter Talburt deft: Archer in an Action of the Case &t: - -
And Whereupon the plt: by his Attourney John Taylor Comes and Sayth
That in the yeare 1687/8 in the Mounth of January in the aforesd: yeare the
plt: did hire himselfe and wife to the Deft: Walter Talburt for the full and just tearme
and time of one whole yeare for the full and just Sume of one Thousand five hundred
Pounds of Tobaccoe and Caske but the said Walter Talburt fraudulently intending the
Said plt: to deceive doth Utterly denye teo pay the same although often thereunto
Required and alsoe the said deft: doth detaine Two hoes and Three bowles Whereupon
The plt: Sayth he is damnified and hath Losse to the vallew of ffour Thousand
Pounds of Tobao: and Thereupon brings his Suite =
And the Deft: by Peter Dent his Attourney Cometh and defendeth the
force & injury when &t: and prayeth Liberty to imparle hereunto Untill the
next County Court and it is granted him the same day is granted to the plt: also
At which Said County Court Vizt: the 13th: day of June in the xiiiith: yeare of the
Domion of the Rt: honoble: Charles &t: annog Domi 1689 Came the Said parties
by their attournyes aforesaid and the said Walter Talburt Saith that he owes nothing to
The plt: for that he paid him the full of what he owed him according to agreemt: as pr
accot: here readie to prduce will appeare = accot: read
And the plt: sayth he ought not to be debarred his accon aforesd: for that he declares he -
Never received the quantity mentioned in ther defts: accot: =
Upon which Came both parties and by Mutuall Consent put Themselves to the judgment
of this Court - - -
Whereupon it is Considered by this Court her that the said Ambrose Archer recover
nothing by his Said writt but be in Mercy for his false Clamour and that Walter Talburt
go thereof without Day and it is further Considered by this Court that the said Walter
Talburt recover against the said Ambrose Archer the Sume of of Tobao:
for his Cost in this behalfe laid out according to the forme of the Statute &t: - -

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1687-1689
Volume 91, Page 131   View pdf image (33K)
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