Volume 65, Page 530 View pdf image (33K) |
530 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1674/5. Liber M M John Lucumb of the Citty of London marriner of a plea that he render unto him the sume of three thousand One hundred and fifty pounds of good Sound tobacco with caske which to him he oweth & unjustly deteineth And whereupon the Said John Lucumb by Robert Ridgely his Attorny Saith that whereas the said Charles the nine & twentith day of July One thousand Six hundred Seventy foure by his certaine writeing Obligatory Sealed with the Seale of him the Said Charles and here in Court produced whose date is the day & yeare aforesaid did acknowledge himselfe holden and firmly bounden unto the Said John in the just and full Summe or quantity of three thousand One hundred & fifty pounds of tobacco and caske to be paid to the said John Lucumb upon demand in some convenient place in Petuxent River it being for a Valuable consideracon in hand received to the which payment well & truly to be made he did bind himselfe his heirs executrs & admrs firmly by those presents Notwithstanding which the said Charles Delaroch the said summe of three thousand One hun dred & fifty pounds of tobacco to him the said John according to the tenor of the Said writeing Obligatory though often thereunto re quired hath not paid but the same to pay hath denyed and as yet doth deny whereupon the said John Saith he is dampnified and hath lost to the value of foure thousand pounds of tobacco And thereupon he bring his suite. p. 516 And the Said Charles Delaroch at this day to wit the thirtenth day of ffebruary in the 43th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c came in his proper person and Saith nothing in barre or avoidance of the action aforesaid of him the said John for that he oweth the said John the said summe of three thousand One hundred & fifty pounds of tobacco Therefore it is considered by the Court here that the said John Lucumb recover against the said Charles aswell the said summe of three thousand One hundred and fifty pounds of tobacco the debt aforesaid as also the summe of five hundred pounds of tobacco for his costs and charges in that behalfe laid Out & expended and the Said Charles in mercy. Christopher Johnson & Thomas John Hance and Sarah his wife Elwes executrix of the last will and agt Testament of Sampson Wareing John Hance & Sarah his wife late of the Clifts in Calvert executrix of Sampson Wareing County Gent deceased were at tached to answer unto Christo pher Johnson and Thomas Elwes of London merchants in a plea of trespas upon the case. And whereupon the Said Christopher and Thomas by Robert Carvile their Attorny Say that whereas the said Sampson Wareing |
Volume 65, Page 530 View pdf image (33K) |
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