Volume 65, Page 529 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1674/5. 529 Afterwards to wit the fiftenth day of ffebruary in the 43th yeare Liber M M of his Lopps Dominion &c asweli the said Garrett as the said Bryan & Constant putt themselves upon the judgment of the Court and it is then considered by the Court here that the said Garret recover against the estate of the Said Roger Shehee aswell the said Summe of five hundred and twenty pounds of tobacco as also the Summe of nine hundred flinty Six pounds of tobacco for his costs & charges in this behalf e laid Out & expended. Raymond Staple fort Thomas Taylor of Dorchester County in the agt Province of Maryland Gent was attached to Thomas Tayloranswer unto Raymond Staple fort in a plea that he render unto him five thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco with caske which he oweth and unjustly deteineth & thereupon the aforesaid Raymond by his Attorny George Thompson Saith That whereas the aforesaid Thomas Taylor the tenth day of ffebru- p. 515 ary Anno One thousand Six hundred Seventy three accepted a note charged On him by his Excellency Charles Caivert Capt Generall of this Province of Maryland beareing date the One and twentith day of November in the yeare of Our Lord One thousand Six hun dred Seventy three for five thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco with caske which note the said Staplefort here in Court is ready to produce Notwithstanding the aforesaid Taylor though often de manded the aforesaid five thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco & caske to the Said Stapel fort hath not as yet rendered but the same to him hitherto hath denyed to pay and as yet denyeth whereupon he Saith he is dampnified & hath damage to the value of tenn thou sand pounds of tobacco and caske & thereupon he brings his action. And the said Thomas Taylor by John Quigiey his Attorney corn eth and defendeth the force and injury when &c and prayeth liberty of Speakeing hereunto untill the next Provinciall Court the same day is given to both parties here. Now here at this day to wit the fiftenth day of ffebruary in the 43th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c came the said Raymond by his Attorny aforesaid but the said Thomas Taylor came not but made default Therefore it is considered by the Court here that the said Raymond recover against the said Thomas Taylor aswell the Said Summe of five thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco as also the summe of five hundred Sixty three pounds of tobacco for his costs and charges in that behal fe laid Out & expended and the Said Thomas Taylor in mercy. &c. John Lucumb Charles Delaroch late of St Maries County other agt wise called Charles Deiaroch of the Citty of Charles Delaroch St Maries Inholder was Sumoned to answer unto |
Volume 65, Page 529 View pdf image (33K) |
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