Volume 53, Page 364 View pdf image (33K) |
364 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. Liber B of owr formentioned f rinds this 9th day of May Anno Domini one thowsand six hundered and sixty three William Hatton 0 Zachery Waed Thomas Dent 0 Joseph Harrison Randall Handson his marke William Allen his marke Caecilius absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Prouinces of Mari- land and Aualon Lord Baron of Baltemor &c to all Persons to whom thees Presants shall corn greeting know yea that wee for and in Con sideration that sariant James Lendsey of owr sayd Prouince of Mari- land hath too hundered and fifty acres of land dew to him in owr sayd Prouince as appears upon Record and according to the tenor of let ters under owr hand and seale baring daet at Portchmouth in the Realme of england the 8th day of August Ao 1636 & recorded in the [p. 127] secretaris of of owr sayd Prouince doe hearby grant unto the sayd James Lendsey all that Parcell of land lung on the North side of Patomake Riuer about four leagues aboue nanmie begining at a marked oake standing near a march Called Lawsons March Runing south south west by the Riuerside for the lenght of seauenty flue perches to a marked oake at a march Called Lendseys March bound ing on the south with a line drawne East south East by the side of Lendseys March for the lenght of flue hundered Perches to a marked oake in the woods on the East with a line drawne north north from the end of the formar line untill it intercect a parrarell line drawne from the mouth of lawsons March on the north with the sayd Par rarell on the west with the sayd Riuer Contayning and now layd out for too hundered and fifty Acres bee it more or lesse together with all Profits Rights and benefits thear unto belonging Royall mines ex cepted to haue and to hould same unto him the sayd James Lendsey his heirs and Assignes foreuer to bee holden of us and owr heirs as of owr Mannor of West St Maries in free and Common sockage by fealty only for all saruices yealding and paying thear for yearly to us and owr heirs at owr usual Receipt flue shillings in mony starl ing or too bushels and a half of good Corne at the feast of the natiui tie of owr Lord giuen at st Maries under the great seale of owr sayd Prouince of Mariland the tenth day of december in the year of owr Lord one thowsand six hundered and fifty three witnes owr liueten nant of the sayd Prouince William Stone [p. 128] Bee it knowne unto all men by thees Presance that I James Lendsey of of the Prouince of Mariland Planter of Portobacco for mee my heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes foreuer doe hearby As signe all my Right title and interest of this Patten unto Mathias |
Volume 53, Page 364 View pdf image (33K) |
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